
New Programs 


Renewing ancient wisdom

This organization is in the process of modernization of the powerful ancient wisdom contained within the vast wealth of Vedic knowledge. This is knowledge that is the oldest wisdom on earth, but it has not been readily accessible  for a long time. The Ancient Wisdom Institute is updating this profound knowledge to renew its purity while at the same time making it accessible to the seekers of truth in our modern times. Some on the initial  projects include:

The Eight Stages of Life Program – Special procedures that can be done at different stages of life from preparing for marriage, to preparing for conception, etc. 

Knowing What to do – When – An individualized chart providing you with the  dates that will be best for planning and those dates that will be are for implementation of your  plans. 

Scientific Life Assessments A new name and format for Vedic Astrology Readings. The historical term for this aspect of Vedic knowledge is Jyotish. 

Scientific Life Upgrades – A new name and format for the Vedic procedures that in Sanskrit are called Kameshtis. These are Vedic Science processes that empower you to more easily overcome obstacles, let go of the past and step into the reality of a brighter future. Participate in a kameshti once a month for a full year  and/or get individual private kameshtis for any area of your life that you would like to improve.  Updated detailed information will be announced throughout the year.

Current and Ongoing Programs

In the Zone 

People in the world of sports describe experiences that are commonly called “being in the zone,” However, the vast majority of players who have had this kind of experience don’t know how to get into the zone when they are not in it. Players, coaches, sports psychologists and others say that they wish there was a way to get into the zone more consistently or more often. At Inner Greatness Global we have discovered exactly what keeps people out of the zone and a systematic method of being able to remove the barriers to being to get into the zone much more consistently. Special coaching sessions for doing this transform you into the great player that you know you have inside of you but up until now you haven’t been able to fully access and manifest you full potential consistently. Check it out –

In the Zone  


Extraordinary Coach Training

Tom Stone was hired Thomas Leonard to be his coach. Thomas was the founder of the ICF – The International Coach Federation which is the main certification organization for life and executive coaching. Thomas had not had hi own personal coach for about 10 years, He was looking for someone who he felt was 10 steps ahead of him and hadn’t found anyone like that until he met Tom Stone.

He told a group of people who were attending one of Thomas’s seminars that he had hired Tom and that Tom had the cleanest energy of anyone he had ever met, bar none. He also told his audience that he had listened to hundreds of coaching sessions and that on average most coaches make about 20 coaching mistakes in a half hour coaching call. He then told them that in his first 1 hour coaching session with Tom that Tom made only one coaching mistake and immediately caught himself and corrected it and that Tom had zero coach training. 

In later discussions about coaching with Tom, Thomas and Tom agreed that great coaching come from great people so that the key to being a great coach, is not about mastering coaching techniques but about mastering yourself, Great coaching comes from great people. 

The Inner Greatness Optimization protocol is a unique and powerful process of identifying and removing the unresolved disruptive emotions that keep you from consistently being in the state of full presence that is commonly called “being in the zone.” This is not only true for sports but also fro coaching. There’s no other coaching method that comes close to this simple powerful and effective process of supporting you in consistently being your best. This unique coach training is called – 

Extraordinary Coach Training

The program is also called Coaching in the Zone. It is a unique and comprehensive coach training program that is focused on teaching you how to identify and remove your unresolved, suppressed, disruptive emotions that keep you from accessing and living the fullest possible expression of your potential.  This training teaches you how to greatly increase your true emotional competence which is the most powerful process of transforming you into being a great person. The program has three phases –
  • Phase 1 – The Freedom Practice
  • Phase 2 – A systematic protocol for getting major breakthroughs while coaching others
  • Phase 3 – TraumAway – a systematic method of reducing the severity of all of the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress to zero.

The current price is only $797. Normally this comprehensive training  would cost $2997 or more. The price has been greatly reduced so that more people can easily afford to take it. This is being done because the need of this time in history is for thousands of people who are truly great people and can therefore be great coaches. 

  • This training includes one 1-on-1 coaching session with Tom
  • To learn more about this training click here – 

Coaching in the Zone 


The Grief Relief Masterclass (page under construction)


Coaching Sessions by Tom Stone

  • Coaching sessions with Tom are $500 for a 1 hour 1-on-1 session. 
  • Enroll in Extraordinary Coach Training for only $797 and get a 1 on-1 session with Tom as part of the training package!


Coaching Sessions by Certified Extraordinary Coaches (page under construction)

  • Coaching sessions with our certified Extraordinary Coaches are available now for $250 per session. 


World Wellness Research Institute

The World Wellness Research Institute will be conducting research projects including new techniques for stimulating the body to create T cells that produce antibodies to various viruses and their variants without the use of chemical injections. This can be done using new biophysics based technologies.

Inner Greatness Global Research will also be conducted research on reversing negative effects of COVID vaccinations and other vaccinations.


World Wellness Centers

World Wellness Centers are physical clinics at which people can have treatments using our biophysics based technologies and resources to provide permanent virus immunity without chemical injections.

In addition, treatments using a new method to reduce the negative effects of COVID vaccinations will also be available. 

Other treatments for issues such as – 

  • air pollution symptom reduction
  • reducing or eliminating ADD/ADHD
  • Allergy elimination

and others will also be offered at the World Wellness Centers.

A special offering of the World Wellness Centers is a program for total rejuvenation of the body. More about these programs will be coming soon. The details of each organization and each of the new programs, what each one is, who can take it, pricing, affiliate commissions, prerequisites, etc. will be coming in the days ahead.


Wave Form Optimizing

WaveForm Optimizing (WFO) is a method of activating and guiding the body’s ability to produce precise wave patterns of energy that can cancel out the energy patterns of things that are unnatural to the body, such as pathogens, toxins, disruptive emotional, the energy of conditioning, etc. For a detailed explanation about WFO please see – WaveForm Optimizing

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