Example of a Personal Individualized Planning and Implementation Chart
Sometimes when you work on a project it comes together effortlessly. This is like what top performance athletes refer to as “being in the zone.”
There are other times where no matter how hard you try, things just don’t come together. Could it be that there are underlying influences impacting you which support either planning or implementing your ideas? The answer is yes – It turns out there are optimal days for planning functions and there are optimal days for taking the necessary actions to bring your ideas into reality.
An individualized Vedic Science Planning and Implementation chart informs you what specific days in the upcoming 12 months are optimal for planning and which days are optimal for taking the actions to bring your plans into manifestation. An individualized chart is created, specific to you, using information from the precise calculations based on ancient Vedic Science.
The ability to do this has not been in common knowledge for a very long time. But our brilliant Vedic Scientist has rediscovered exactly how the ancient method of doing this was done and now he can do it.
Now you can get your own individualized Planning and Implementation chart. You might wonder – How is it possible to know this information? And how could such information be accurate? Some people are skeptical and do not think that the planets influence us and the world around us. But consider this. Take a simple example – the ocean tides. It is well known that the tides rise and fall based on when the moon is closer or further away from the place where the tide is changing. This was well known by Ancient Scientists in India. But they didn’t stop there! The people who discovered the influences of the planets were both brilliant scientists and dedicated to getting the insights into what’s really impacting our lives. In addition to gravity, they realized there are other natural influences radiating from the planets that exert constantly changing influences on us and the world around us.
Over thousands of years of scientific inquiry, calculations, and observations, the ancient Vedic scientists discovered how to predict not just the tides – but also how to calculate the ongoing influences that all of the planetary movements have on the environment, the atmosphere, on plants, on animals and even on human beings.
It is from this long history of exploring the planetary influences with precise calculations and observations that we can now know things such as on which days planning is optimal and on which days taking action to implement one’s plans will be supported by such influences. The Sanskrit name for this precise mathematical process of calculating planetary influences is Jyotish. A Planning and Implementation chart requires many calculations derived from your Scientific Life Assessment Chart.
In using my individualized Planning and Implementation chart as an example, the dates for planning are indicated in white and implementation days are indicated in green. For optimal results, you plan on white days and take action to implement your plans on green days. As a result of utilizing my individualized Planning and Implementation chart, I have initiated a group of new projects, both business and personal, starting on Jan 14, 2022. I’ll update this web page in the future to let you know how it turns out.
Now you too can access this most useful tool in your own life to assist you in focusing on the right type of activity that is properly aligned with the optimal timing for either planning or implementation. For only a $150 investment in yourself, you can reap the benefits of an individualized Planning and Implementation chart (just as I am doing), by having your decisions and actions aligned with the times that are optimal for each activity.
Making a Planning and Implementation chart requires many calculations derived from your Scientific Life Assessment Chart and is time consuming.
You’ve heard expressions such as – It’s in the stars or the stars must be aligned (people really mean the planets but using the word stars gives the general idea). So now you can make sure that you do the right type of activity that is properly aligned with the optimal timing for either planning or implementation.
To get your personal individualized planning and implementation chart now, click here –
Planning and Implementation Chart