The training programs included in the One-year Fast-track to Enlightenment, Perfect Health & Wealth Program include:
Learning the Basics
The Freedom Practice – A program to learn how to do the Pure Awareness Techniques, including an app you can use to guide yourself through them
Health Problems with Multiple Causes
The Wisdom System – program to remove accumulated toxins and pathogens from your connective tissue. We have a way that this can be done over Zoom.
Optimal Diet – Training in preparing the best food for your health – what is best for you, what foods to avoid, and how to prepare the ones that are good for you.
Health Problems with Single Causes
Mastering the Results Now process
Upgrading your Business and Financial Status
Extraordinary Wealth – How to organize and multiply your power of giving value that people want
Upgrading Your Consciousness
Perfection & True Awakening Training – How to actually experience the innate perfection of everything and how to make the transition into living in Pure Awareness all the time.
The Permanent Pure Awareness Program – This program identifies that conditioning that comes from various sources such as religion, government regulations, from your parents and ancestors, the media, childhood stories and fairytales, and other sources. This helps you to live more and more from Pure Awareness and your Inner Greatness and less and less from your conditioned responses.
Access the Power of Ancient Knowledge
Scientific Life Assessment – If you have not yet had a Scientific Life Assessment (Vedic Astrology Reading) before, you will get your first reading during this Fast-Track program, and you are in for a real treat. Ritesh Shukla is one of the best Vedic Astrologers on the planet. People are amazed at how accurate and helpful such readings are.
Scientific Life Assessment Progress Readings Every three months, you will have a reading with Ritesh regarding what is coming up for you during the weeks and months ahead.
You will be included in ancient procedures that we now call Scientific Life Upgrades once per month for maximizing the positive influences of Saturn and minimizing any negative influences of Saturn if you have any, as Saturn is in its most powerful cycle that lasts for 2 1/2 years and only occurs once every 30 years. This cycle started in February 2023 and will continue until mid-summer of 2025.
These Scientific Life Upgrades will also include additional procedures for supporting and improving different aspects of your life, including getting the most benefit from this Fast-Track program.
Ritesh Shukla – The Scientific Life Assessments and Upgrades (Vedic Astrology readings and procedures) will be done by him or under his supervision. He is also the sole advisor to the Brahmin Society of Experts who perform the Scientific Life Upgrades. He is also one of the two founders of the Ancient Wisdom Institute.