Scientific Life Upgrades

Scientific Life Upgrades


Within ancient Vedic wisdom, there are specific procedures called Kameshtis – which is a Sanskrit word composed of 2 words – “kama” which means desire and “eshti” which means fulfillment. In order to make it simpler to understand we are using the term – Scientific Life Upgrades. In general, people tend to think of astrology as something that is not that scientific. So another reason to change the name from Kameshti to Scientific Life Upgrade is because Vedic Astrology is quite different than western astrology. It is much more precise and highly accurate in its predictions. The mathematics of how it is calculated is quite different than western astrology so changing the name is partly to help make this distinction. 

Are these procedures really scientific? Here are some definitions of science –

  • The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
  • A systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject.

Scientific Life Upgrades provide detailed instructions for how to improve numerous areas of your life.  Their procedures include various means to create wave interference patterns of energy that interact with those energies which are producing limitations or obstacles in your life. The wave interference energy patterns have been tried and tested over thousands of years and the positive effects have been extensively validated.  Getting the right procedure that produces the true desired effect is the key to such procedures being reliably useful. Finding the right one is done by detailed mathematical calculations.

One of the principal methods of creating these wave interference energy patterns is via the chanting of various sounds which then produce specific positive effects of enhancing good influences and removing obstacles that are causing limitations or problems.

The Ancient Wisdom Institute offers two options to choose from – 1) monthly Scientific Life Upgrades or 2) Individualized Private Scientific Life Upgrades.

Option 1:  For the monthly Scientific Life Upgrades, our Vedic Science Expert, Ritesh Shukla, is always present to provide explanations and understanding about what is going on during the procedures,  Ritesh explains what the Scientific Life Upgrade is for and what is happening during the process. His comments are in English, but on occasion, we have numerous participants from China. If there are participants from China, we have someone translating what Ritesh says in English into Mandarin before, during or after the Scientific Life Upgrade.

Participants are reporting to us that the Scientific Life Upgrades are powerful experiences and that they are helping them improve the different areas of their lives that each one is designed to help.

If your specific time zone makes it difficult to watch the live zoom call, we will inform you when the recorded video of the Kameshti is posted so you can watch it at a convenient time. The positive effects of the group Scientific Life Upgrades is received whether you are on the live zoom call or not.

The schedule of the monthly Scientific Life Upgrades for the rest of 2022 are listed below. The exact dates and times will be verified and sent to you in advance of the Scientific Life Upgrades in case you want to watch the procedure on zoom. The very best and most auspicious time is precisely calculated so that it will have the most positive effect. This has to be calculated relatively close to the time that the Kameshti is performed, which means we will send out the exact time of the Kameshti a few days before the zoom call.

Schedule of Monthly Scientific Life Upgrades

Month Date To avert obstacles from the section of life
December 22/21 Wealth related to family, savings, food, gems & precious stones.
January 21/22 Social strength & Fundamental instructions related to education and life skills and journey
February 20/22 Mother, day to happiness from land, conveyances, building, house, and relatives
March 21/22 Son & children, royalty, learning and knowledge, sacred spells and past life karmas
April 19/22 Sickness, doubts about death, enemies, step mother, ulcers & short term struggles
May 19/22 Spouse, travel, trade, sight
June 17/22 Longevity, inheritance, long term struggle, karma of future births, research, hidden knowledge
July 16/22 Father as an individual, fortunes & Luck, pilgrimages, social wealth
August 15/22 Livelihood, honor, father’s status & rites, life & work in foreign lands, work related debts
September 13/22 Income, prosperity, all sorts of possessions, spouse of kids
October 13/22 Nature of loss and expenses, liberation and death

You can sign up to be included in this process and participate in a Scientific Life Upgrade by using the form below.

In addition, you can help us cover the costs of doing the Scientific Life Upgrades by making a donation using the links below.

The best way to make a donation is via zelle. If your bank has zelle you can send your donation in any amount to our zelle account at [email protected].

If you don’t have zelle, you can use the shopping cart links below each time you make a donation and send an appropriate amount using your credit card via either Stripe or PayPal on the product pages linked to below. –

$100 donation

$77 donation

$50 donation

$25 donation

Making a donation is not a requirement but it is greatly appreciated if you can help with this and there is certainly some positive karmic benefit to you in doing that. Thank you in advance for your support.

Individual Private Scientific Life Upgrades

Option 2: Individual Private Scientific Life Upgrades are very powerful as they are customized specifically for you. There is a highly sophisticated, mathematically precise method of determining which kind of customized Scientific Life Upgrades will have the desired effect of strengthening your resolve in order to either successfully neutralize or enhance the returning influences of your past actions. The precise method used is a Scientific Life Assessment.  Individualized Scientific Life Upgrades make it possible for you to remove the problem creating obstacles in any area of your life and greatly increase the fulfillment of your desires.

If there is an area of your life that you would like to improve, you can have one or more individualized private Scientific Life Upgrade conducted to remove obstacles or enhance specific aspects of your life.  A Scientific Life Assessment reading is a required prerequisite as it is used to determine which kind of Scientific Life Upgrades you would most benefit from. Our Vedic science expert, Ritesh Shukla, prepares your Scientific Life Assessment and is always present at your private Scientific Life Upgrades.  He explains what the Scientific Life Upgrade is for and what is happening during the process.

Please note that you can take and benefit from both the group Scientific Life Upgrades and private Scientific Life Upgrades as the private ones can be arranged so that these is not much in the way of overlap by taking both. Just discuss what you want to accomplish with Ritesh and he can design the private Scientific Life Upgrades so that you maximize the combined benefits. For more information and/or to make an inquiry, use the form on this page –

Individual Private Scientific Life Upgrades

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