Founders of the Ancient Wisdom Institute

Our Founders

Tom Stone & Ritesh Shukla

Tom Stone

Tom Stone is the Founder of Inner Greatness Global, the creator of thePure Awareness Techniques and the Freedom Practice. Tom learned meditation at age 19 and became a teacher of Transcendental Meditation, TM™  under the guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi when Tom was 22. He has taught hundreds of people how to meditate. He has a unique ability to make complex or subtle things simple and easy to understand. His has natural powerful insights into the essence of the precise practices that make it possible to live and enjoy the fullest expression of your inner greatness.

Tom has been to India many times for to participate in spiritual rituals called Kameshtis. He was responsible for organizing what may have been the very first “group” kameshti for international seekers of the benefits of the powerful life enriching influence of these ancient Vedic rites.

Tom’s experiences of expanded awareness have made him a living example of Vedic knowledge. Ritesh sometimes calls upon Tom as Tom  also has a unique ability to express the Vedic knowledge in very simple and clear ways that make it easy for people to really understand the true meaning of the knowledge of consciousness. Tom’s wisdom provides the penetrating insights into the “HOW” aspect of Vdsedic practical wisdom that allows you to live as the best possible expression of your inner greatness.

Learn more About Tom Stone

Learn more about the Freedom Practice

Ritesh Shukla

]Ritesh Shukla inherited Astrology from his maternal grandfather.The traditional Indian convention has been to pass on the knowledge in the family to the deserving member. Ritesh’s family tree, both maternal and the paternal, has been involved with studying and preserving the grandest of all ancient knowledge known as the Vedas and Vedangas (Limbs of the Vedas).

Astrology is considered to be the eyes of Vedas. It is believed that true knowledge of the Vedas will remain locked for anyone who is oblivious to Vedic Astrology.

The traditional understanding is that those who pursue learning and  understanding the Vedas under the guidance of Astrology are blessed with divine light called spiritual inspiration. This divine light is known as Shukla which is the Sanskrit name of the waxing of the moon. The period of days in which the moon is waxing as represented on the calendar is also known as Shukla Paksha (The phase of light).

Ritesh’s family name is Shukla, which is an indication of how old his family’s association with Vedas and Astrology is.

Most Astrologers in India are mainly trained to know and do astrological readings. Ritesh, is unique in that, unlike most of the Astrologers in India, has received modern education and has worked in the US as a Contract Manager for various clients like Amazon, Dell, British Gas, Hanover Insurance, etc.

This exposure has helped Ritesh to stay clear of superstition and focus on the scientific application of Vedas and Astrology. It is because of this balance between Modern and Ancient knowledge that Ritesh has been appointed as the head of research and scholarship by the Brahman Association in India. This is the organization of the priests and teachers of Vedic knowledge.

Ritesh uses his knowledge of this Ancient Indian Wisdom as well as his practical experiential wisdom from modern life experiences to guide people by interpreting their astrological horoscope and charts that bridges the gap between ancient and modern life. This makes the experience of having a Vedic Astrology reading with him bring out the subtleties of his combined understanding of ancient Vedic wisdom but in modern language that gives a depth and relevance that most other Vedic astrologers simply don’t have.

Ritesh aims at helping people to maximize their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. May you benefit from his spiritual assistance.




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