My Courses

  • Suffering From Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Heartbreak, or Nightmares?

    Suffering From Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Heartbreak, or Nightmares?

    Join this site as a free member now and get instant access to a new quick, easy and powerful solution to these and other problems – It’s all completely free with no obligation! Free Membership Registration Tom Stone, coauthor along with Jack Canfield of the upcoming book, Mastering the Art of Success did something thought…

  • Emotional Mastery and Freedom from Illusions

    Emotional Mastery and Freedom from Illusions  

  • Inner Greatness Centers in China

    Inner Greatness Centers If there is not an Inner Greatness Center near you, you can book a session with a Certified Inner Greatness Coach and have the session online via Skype or similar for many of our programs and services. To view which sessions you can take on line versus the ones that include the QEO…

  • How to stop Incontinence

    To register for the course on energies contributing  to iincontence is here- Incontinence    

  • Incontinience


    You can  read more about and order Prostacor from the manufacturer who/s order page is here –    

  • Sleep Problems – Some unique solutions

    Trouble Sleeping? Solutions You might not know about Many people have sleep problems for so long that they jave just learned to tolerate them. On this page I am gathering solutions to sleep problems that can really help but that you may not know about. The first three such solutions are: Understanding Awareness during sleep…

  • Get Super Good at Doing HSE – English ($197)

    Get Super Good at Doing HSE English with Madarin Version For China This is a new training that I am offering both in China with translation into Mandarin and also an English only version for our non-Chinese students. This web page is for the English version.  The page about the version with Mandarin translation is…

  • China – Get Super Good at Doing HSE

    Get Super Good at Doing HSE China (put Mandarin translation for this) ((Put everything that follows in Mandarin up until we have the registration instructions at the bottom of the page.) For the English Version click here – English This is a new training that I am offering  in English only for our non-Chinese students.…

  • What The Hell Is Water?

    What The Hell Is Water?

    There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says “Morning, boys. How’s the water?” And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes “What the hell is water?” This…

  • The Quantum Leap Program

    Your body is very wise. It knows which pattern of vibrating awareness is the next most important one to resolve to make it possible for you to experience living in Pure Awareness all the time. And it knows which one is next after that and then the next, etc. How do we find them and…

  • Respond spontaneously to the needs of each moment with the fullness of your Being

    Respond spontaneously to the needs of each moment with the fullness of your Being

    Do you remember the Lion King movie. It’s all about waking up to your inner greatness. Embrace Perfection & True Awakening: Surrender to your personal Circle of Life with this Transformational eight month Course! Hi Adriana, Lion King Mufasa stood on a high out cropping of rock from which one could see as far at the…

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