My Courses

  • Suffering From Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Heartbreak, or Nightmares?

    Suffering From Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Heartbreak, or Nightmares?

    Join this site as a free member now and get instant access to a new quick, easy and powerful solution to these and other problems – It’s all completely free with no obligation! Free Membership Registration Tom Stone, coauthor along with Jack Canfield of the upcoming book, Mastering the Art of Success did something thought…

  • Put Me In Your Pocket

    Put Me In Your Pocket

    Raving cheers, thundering applause, awe-struck nerds losing their minds. It is 2007, and Steve Jobs walks onto the stage. This is Apple’s MacWorld conference, and the great leader himself is about to give a keynote address that will become a part of history. Steve says – Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along…

  • Slaying Demons

    Slaying Demons

    If you have some things in your life that are resisting change, things that seem impossible or you have kind of resigned yourself to just having to put up with them – then you are going to really love what I’m about to tell you. It has been a long time since I posted anything…

  • Perfection & True Awakening

    Dear Friend, The journey towards experiencing perfection and Wholeness and living fully awakened is everyone’s birthright. There is nothing more important or valuable. There is no gaining of wealth or possessions or becoming famous that can compare with such an accomplishment. I have created a new program to help more people make this transition. Perfection…

  • Wisdom System Treatment Plan

    Wisdom System Treatment Plan

      Wisdom System Sample Wisdom System Treatment Plan Debugging and Upgrading Plan to Get Well and Stay Well (Date) Plan Overview The idea of a debugging and Upgrading Plan to get well and stay well is based on the concepts of regulative medicine, a concept of health care that originated in Germany. The basic idea…

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