China – Get Super Good at Doing HSE

Get Super Good at Doing HSE


(put Mandarin translation for this)

((Put everything that follows in Mandarin up until we have the registration instructions at the bottom of the page.)

For the English Version click here –


This is a new training that I am offering  in English only for our non-Chinese students.

There are three sections to this training

  1. How to recognize Reactivity and Resolve it
  2. How to use Extraordinary Programs 
  3. Going deeper into the 12 Causes of Human Problems

The explanation of this new training is directly below in English  above (link above). There is a link for registration for this training via tha Inner Greatness Global website. You can register using a credit or debit card directly on the Inner Greatness Gloval site. Do not send your registration money to Kristin.

Get Super Good at HSE!

On my recent trip to the Netherlands I found that there are some people who want to get really, really good at doing HSE.  With the kind of incredible breakthroughs people have been getting with HSE in trainings and in 1-o-1 sessions it’s no surprise that many of our top students want to help others get such great breakthroughs too.


I have also noticed that in pretty much every coaching session there are both circumstances and reactions to the circumstances. In most cases people get caught up in the reactions. The reactions are the main things that frequently get in the way of and delay getting to the real underlying issue! You can’t really work on the real issue unless all of the reactions interferring with that issue are gone. It doesn’t mean that all of your disruptive emotions are gone but just the ones that are in the way of the primary issue.

Decisions have four primary influences.  As you can see there are four kinds of thoughts that influence everyone’s decisions. The first two categories are useful and the second two categories are NOT useful. It is the second two categories that are based on unresolved disruptive emotions. We call them reactive emotional energies.

  1. Practical (useful)
  2. Intuitive (useful)
  3. Ego-based (NOT useful)
  4. Emotional Pain-based (NOT useful)

Categories one and two are based on things that do exist in the world even if we are not proximate to them in time and space yet.

Categories three and four are based on disruptive emotions. These only exist in the mind not in the “real” world. 

The difference between the two categories is because of one simple insight, When we are infants we don’t know how to talk. So we have no words for our experiences. And we have lots of overwhelming emotions. Because no one likes to be emotionally overwhelmed we try to get as far away from the emotional overwhelming experiences as possible. Most people get so far away from their disruptive emotions that they don’t even realize that they have them and that those emotional energies are influencing their thoughts and decisions.

Emotions have both Content and Energy

It seems that people don’t realize that they are caught in reactions. So there’s a big upgrade needed in being able to recognize that this is so common not only in others but also and especially in yourself.

This work is about making the unconscious – conscious.

The way that we are going to do that in this training is to have one person be the coach and one be the client. Everyone will watch the coaching session and when you sense the reactivity and test for the best way to “debug” it then you can “raise your hand” as you sense what it is.  At a certain point we will stop and discus and resolve it. Sometimes there’s more than one pattern of reactivity related to the current topic  When that is the case we will repeat the same process until there’s no reactivity related to that topic. This is a very important and central skill to develop in order to become really good at IGO.

You may be under the illusion that you can just decide to do it and be successful. But conditioning is powerful and it typically comes out on top. and in most cases it happens without people realizing it is happening.

Extraordinary Programs

Extraordinary Programs are a way to optimize the attributes in your life that allow you to be truly extraordinary in every aspect of a particular topic, such as leadership, productivity, specific sports such as Extraordinafy Golf or Tennis,  is a very important and central skill to develop in order to become really good at IGO. The Extraordinary Programs are designed to help make sure that you are really free of anything that could possibly get in the way of being genuinely optimal for every aspect of a topic that is important to you in your life.

Here’s an example of such a program that is not completed yet but is well on the way there.


The 12 Causes of Human Problems

You may or may now have seen that the 12 Causes of Human Problems now has 5 venn diagrams. They are organized in the order in which things occur. It starts with the 12 tramuas at are the real roots of the problem. That produces the 12 fears which then become the 12 patterns of conditioning that is what was the original 12 Causes chart. The there are the 12 habits that come out of the  conditioning and when enough of this stuff is resolved you get the last chart which is of the 12 Freedoms.

For any given coaching session, 1 or more of the 12 expressions from any of the charts can provide very useful insights.

A coaching session booking system

We will be installing a booking system for graduates of this Get Super Good at HSE training. As a graduate you will be able to set your own price per session and have a profile page so that people can get a feel for whether you are the right coach for them or not. You will receive the majority of the coaching fee.


To register for this training use the IGG shopping cart page here –

Get Super Good at HSE
6 month training with translation into Mandarin


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