The12 Causes of Human Problems Assessment Result

Assessment score [score][/score]


[hint_block range=”0-30″]

If your score is zero, congratulations! You are living life free of the insidious limiting influences of the hidden but powerful patterns of conditioning of the 12 deepest causes of human problems. You are among the very few people on earth who have accomplished this and it is indeed a major accomplishment!

If your score was between 0 and 30 but not yet 0 then you are doing very well but you can reduce the limiting influences of the 12 Causes even more and liberate yourself to live more and more from your inner greatness by utilizing the programs and services from Inner Greatness Global listed below. After using each of the resources that you select, take the assessment again to see your improvement. Your personal results page will show you your previous score(s) and your new score so that you can see your progress.

Note that these resources are mostly the same as those used for resolving the 12 patterns of conditioning of the 12 Traumas, the 12 Fears and the 12 Habits but in the process of using the various resources there may be some differences. There is much more use of the QEO for eliminating the energy patterns of the conditioning and habits and much more use of the pure Awareness Techniques for resolving the 12 Traumas and the 12 Fears.

Take this assessment. Then if possible, take advantage of the QEO to debug your inner human software and eliminate the patterns of energy that hold the 12 habits in place.

Then take the assessment again to see the quantification of how you will have transformed your life.

Available now

Coming Soon

  • The Permanent Pure Awareness Course – On line
  • Resolving the 12 deepest causes of human problems training program for IGC’s
  • Advanced Training Programs for becoming a Certified Inner Greatness Coach

[hint_block range=”30-60″]

If your score was between 30 and 60 you can reduce the limiting influences of the 12 Causes and liberate yourself to live more and more from your inner greatness by utilizing the programs and services from Inner Greatness Global listed below. After using each of the resources that you select, take the assessment again to see your improvement. Your personal results page will show you your previous score(s) and your new score so that you can see your progress.

Note that these resources are mostly the same as those used for resolving the 12 patterns of conditioning of the 12 Traumas, the 12 Fears and the 12 Habits but in the process of using the various resources there may be some differences. There is much more use of the QEO for eliminating the energy patterns of the conditioning and habits and much more use of the pure Awareness Techniques for resolving the 12 Traumas and the 12 Fears.

Take this assessment. Then if possible, take advantage of the QEO to debug your inner human software and eliminate the patterns of energy that hold the 12 habits in place.

Then take the assessment again to see the quantification of how you will have transformed your life.

Available now

Coming Soon

  • The Permanent Pure Awareness Course – On line
  • Resolving the 12 deepest causes of human problems training program for IGC’s
  • Advanced Training Programs for becoming a Certified Inner Greatness Coach

[hint_block range=”60-100″]

If your score was between 60 and 100 you can reduce the limiting influences of the 12 Causes and liberate yourself to live more and more from your inner greatness by utilizing the programs and services from Inner Greatness Global listed below. After using each of the resources that you select, take the assessment again to see your improvement. Your personal results page will show you your previous score(s) and your new score so that you can see your progress.

Note that these resources are mostly the same as those used for resolving the 12 patterns of conditioning of the 12 Traumas, the 12 Fears and the 12 Habits but in the process of using the various resources there may be some differences. There is much more use of the QEO for eliminating the energy patterns of the conditioning and habits and much more use of the pure Awareness Techniques for resolving the 12 Traumas and the 12 Fears.

Take this assessment. Then if possible, take advantage of the QEO to debug your inner human software and eliminate the patterns of energy that hold the 12 habits in place.

Then take the assessment again to see the quantification of how you will have transformed your life.

Available now

Coming Soon

  • The Permanent Pure Awareness Course – On line
  • Resolving the 12 deepest causes of human problems training program for IGC’s
  • Advanced Training Programs for becoming a Certified Inner Greatness Coach


If you are not sure which of the IGO resources would be the most useful to you or if you have questions about this assessment you can send us an email that will automatically include the URL of your assessment result and other information about you. We will get back to you as soon as possible with our recommendations or answers to your questions. Fill out the form at the bottom of the page and click SEND.



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