Wisdom System
Sample Wisdom System Treatment Plan
Debugging and Upgrading Plan to Get Well and Stay Well
Plan Overview
A debugging and Upgrading Plan to get and stay well is based on regulative medicine, a healthcare concept that originated in Germany. The basic idea is that the body will regulate and keep itself healthy under normal conditions. Unfortunately, standard requirements for the human body are not very commonly found in this day and age. This is principally due to the accumulation of various kinds of toxic stresses stored in the body’s connective tissue because the body has been unable to eliminate them. The connective tissue is the semi-liquid substance that surrounds all of the cells and through which the cells receive nutrients, oxygen, and energy and remove metabolic wastes. The connective tissue is the safest place for the body to place toxins it can’t eliminate. It is like a temporary holding station or warehouse. See the diagram on the next tab.
What causes the body not to be able to eliminate these toxins? There are many causes, but principally, the reason is a breakdown or blockages to the functioning of the organs and systems of elimination. So the concept of regulative medicine is to restore the ability of the organs and systems of elimination to eliminate toxic stresses of all kinds and then push these toxins out of the connective tissue and out of the body. The plan involves several steps.
- Energy – The body needs energy to work, perform its essential functions, and heal itself.
- Operating System Bugs – Certain kinds of toxic stresses can block the functioning of the body’s regulatory processes and, therefore, must be debugged first to work the following protocols. This includes residues of certain drugs like tranquilizers, cortisone, and hormones such as estrogen. It also contains electromagnetic interference from internal and external scars, electromagnetic field stresses such as radiation and geopathic stresses, metals, particularly mercury, certain foods, and psychological/emotional factors.
- Opening the organs and systems of elimination is the next step. This involves debugging and upgrading the intestinal tract, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, bladder, lungs, skin, and lymphatic and circulatory systems. During this phase, it is essential to balance the body’s pH to proper alkaline levels and eliminate putrefaction, fermentation, food intolerances, molds, fungi, and parasites that may be present in these organs and systems.
- Once the organs of elimination are open and working, we can begin purging the connective tissue of the accumulated toxins. The first step in this process uses body secretions such as urine, feces, saliva, or blood placed in the input of the Quantum Energy Optimizer (QEO), formerly called by other names like the WaveMaker Pro the RemiWave Pto.
- Because these secretions contain very toxic stresses that need to be purged from the connective tissue, they can be used as the information source for canceling the electromagnetic charge of the toxins in the particular secretion. There may be a series of such secretion-based debugging needed. The toxins in the connective tissue are transported by the blood and eliminated through urine and feces.
- The saliva has a composition similar to the connective tissue. Therefore, this debugging protocol is potent and usually drives about half of the toxins initially tested in the beginning out of the body, assuming that the organs of elimination are correctly prepared and opened.
- Once the generic cleansing of the connective tissue that can be obtained through the secretion-based protocols is completed, the next step is to retest and see which tenacious bugs (toxins) are still stuck in the body and make a series of targeted debugging procedures to eliminate them. Typical remaining toxic stresses include the electromagnetic fields of bacteria, environmental toxins, viruses & parasites.
- The next step is to eliminate the deepest, oldest toxins, including the residual influences of childhood diseases that are not entirely healed, vaccinations, and miasms (inherited diseases).
It is essential to understand that the names of different diseases and toxins used in this plan refer to the energy of these things only and not to any actual pathological substances or organisms. There has not been nor will be any biochemical testing such as blood tests. All of the items listed in this plan were found using bioenergetic testing. They are also not to alarm you. These energy patterns can be picked up with bioenergetic testing long before they become visible to the eye under a microscope or before they would appear in any form of biochemical test. This is not to say that if you have independent biochemical tests, you may not find some of the toxins or pathogens whose electromagnetic fields we found with bioenergetic testing. Even though many items are listed here, it should be understood that the presence of many different toxic stresses is commonplace in our modern society, and it is not intended as a diagnosis of any disease or condition. If you are concerned about anything you read in this plan, please discuss it with me, and we can determine if it would be appropriate to have any other form of testing.
As an integral part of this plan, we must identify any psychological, emotional, or spiritual issues that may be considered “conflicts in consciousness” These are indeed the most profound stresses of all. These must be identified and resolved if a person is to get and stay well.
Depending on any other special conditions, the plan may be modified or include additional steps on an individualized basis.
We are working to get your system “squeaky clean” to regulate itself and reestablish proper functioning. The specific steps to be taken to implement the “squeaky-clean” program include:
The body needs energy to heal. In this step, you provide power to the body in different ways. The essential conductance measurement will be taken at most of the sessions. It will show you how well energy is moving through the connective tissue. This leads us to when enough power is available for the body’s healing processes. Next, we will strengthen and balance the energy through upgrade procedures designed to provide additional and continuous support to the healing process. We will provide various upgrade protocols at each session to supplement the body’s energy. This supports the regulatory methods stimulated by the other debugging and upgrading procedures done during the session and prepares the body for the next session. Essential debug/upgrade, Element upgrade, Meridian upgrade, Organ and System therapy, vitality upgrade, Hypothalamus balancing, and other debugging and upgrading are used to balance and increase energy.
Hypothalamus: Test and balance as needed
Five element analysis and upgrade – Metal Element – Large Intestine. The most stressed organ of your body is the large intestine. According to the Chinese five-element theory and testing with the five-element test kit of Martin Keymer or the equivalent use of WaveForm Optimiing, the Large Intestine is stealing energy from other meridians. Therefore, some of the different organs and systems may also be affected by the demands for power from the Large Intestine.
Meridian is upgrading with the appropriate use of WFO programs: as needed.
Removal of operating system blocks – (See the Therapy Blocks tab)
Checked and debugged the scars interference fields to make sure that they are not producing any operating system blocks
Checked and debugged radiation stress.
These were both debugged in the first session.
Self-destruction patterns checked: Tested OK, no physical patterns detected
Therapy Readiness: to be checked
Geopathic stress – tested OK
Radioactivity – debugged – recheck
Electro-sensitivity – tested OK
Supplements: To be tested and adjusted as necessary.
Open the Organs of Elimination
The numbers below represent the column and ampoule numbers in the test kits from Marin Keymer.
The initial focus will be on the Large Intestine. We tested and debugged the intestines for the energy patterns of ampoules 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6, 1-7, 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-9, 5-4, and all pyrogeniums (these are the intentional bacteria that cause the putrefaction (rotting) or meat proteins). Putrefaction dietary guidelines will most likely be needed.
In addition, the mold/fungus test kit indicates that debugging is needed for the ampoules numbered as follows: 1-1, 1-2, 1-6, and 2-9.
Testing and debugging will be done as needed to ensure that the energy of these mold and fungus conditions no longer has a destructive interference effect on your system.
We also tested food intolerances and found that there are intolerances to wheat and dairy. Other biases may also be present, but we will wait until these two “central” food intolerances are debugged before further testing. This often reduces the overall intolerance condition so that the reaction to other foods disappears. But, again, these will be debugged to relieve the stresses in the large intestine.
Parasites tested include the ampoules from only Parasite I test kits. The row and column numbers are used. Parasites I – 1-11, 1-13, 1-15, 2-1, 2-3, 2-5, 4-9, 4-11. The electromagnetic fields of these parasites will be debugged using particular protocols to unmask the mimicking of certain self-protection functions that the parasites use to convince the host body to allow them to stay. In addition, they will be debugged along with the symbiotic environmental toxins, molds, and virus energies that typically accompany the parasites. These energies will be debugged as part of the large intestine energetic clean-up.
Part of this process is to ensure that optimal intestinal functioning is reestablished energetically for the bacteria flora and that the energies of all destructive interference processes affecting the large intestines are eliminated.
We will then treat any bugs that might interfere with the proper functioning of the liver, kidneys, bladder, gallbladder, skin, lungs, lymphatic, and circulatory systems.
Ampoules from the Kidney/Bladder kit include 3-3, 3-6, and 4-4.
Then we will optimize the immune system, lymph, resistance, etc. Following this, the organs of elimination should be open and working, ready to eliminate the energy fields of toxic stresses, the remains of which will be mobilized by upcoming debugging procedures.
Use secretion-based debugging to stimulate generalized detoxification of the connective tissue.
Eliminate Toxic Stresses
Toxic electromagnetic field stress analysis – The following harmful stresses were identified. This gives us an inventory that can again be checked after the secretion debugging procedures to see what is left. The dangerous strains needing to be removed include:
Bacteria 1-4, 1-8, 1-16, 4-10.
Environmental toxins – ampoules 1-3, 2-4, 2-8, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 4-1, 4-5, 4-11, 4-12, 5-8, 6-1, 6-2, 6-7, 6-8, 6-9, 6-10, 6-11.
Focal toxins (in the teeth, jaw, and sinuses) include ampoules for the teeth -27, 37, 45, 46. In addition, focal ampoules tested have 3-15, 4-2, 4-10, 4-14, 5-7, and 5-13.
Retest and debug the energy fields of any fungi, mold, parasites, environmental toxins, bacteria, heavy metals, drug residues, etc., from the list above that remain following the secretion debugging.
Unmasking viruses
Complete Virus debugging – retest and wake them up if they are still around, then eliminate this stress through the particular viral protocol.
Viral stress – ampoules – 1-9, 2-4, 2-11.
Debugging Your Deepest, Oldest Stresses
Debug vaccinations/childhood illness/miasms
Childhood retox stresses – 3-10.
Vaccinations – 4-4, 4-10, 4-14, 4-16, 5-9.
Miasms (inherited stresses) – 6-1, 6-4, 6-8, 6-10.
Constitutional Homeopathic Remedy
Check if a constitutional homeopathic remedy is appropriate.
Debug and Upgrade the underlying psychological and emotional issues parallel with the plan’s rest. In addition, we will debug any underlying bugs in the inner human software that may be associated with any health or other problem.
Following completion of this plan, it is advised to wait for about six months and then recheck to see how the body is regulating and if any additional support is needed. Call for an appointment if there is a need to have a session earlier than that for an acute problem or psychological issue.