Extraordinary Prosperity


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The majority of people who work for someone else don’t become prosperous unless they develop some other means of making more money outside of their “day job.”

This is because people who do make a lot of money do something different. They don’t work for some other company or business. They have their own business or they are in some kind of partnership in a business. There are also those who make money with investments or in real estate but these are actually businesses too.

The main principle that is involved in making a lot of money is that this is typically the side effect of helping lots of people fulfill some need or desire. The principle is called leverage. Leverage means that you organize and multiple your power of giving people value so that one action on your part benefits lots and lots of people.

There is a simple law of physics that is called Newton’s third law of motion. It says that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

When we apply this principle to making money it means that we want to take actions that will positively impact a lot of people so that the reciprocal influence of this action is to have lots of positive impact coming back to you… in the form of money.

This is not difficult to do. There are three basic criteria for making this happen.

  1. You have to pursue the right idea or project. This is because whatever it is that you pursue must be something that you love to do so that you can really put your heart and soul into it… big time.
  1. It also has to be an idea that is a natural expression of some aspect of who you really are. So you have to both love it and be good at it. Those are the things that will typically let you know you’re onto the right kind of idea.
  1. You have to remove any kind of negative thinking, doubts, frustrations, disappointments from the past, etc. that would otherwise block you from pursuing your idea. There has to be no emotional baggage getting in the way of you breathing your life energy into your project. When your idea is unencumbered by emotional baggage you can then pursue it without interference. I call this kind of idea an “Empowered Idea.”

In the past it has been difficult for most people to do these three things. People often have so many concerns, worries, anxiety, depression, emotional pain, frustration, etc. that the idea of pursuing some project for making money outside of their day job just seems to unrealistic that they don’t even allow themselves to entertain such an idea.

This same clouded inner emotional landscape also gets in the way of being able to recognize an empowered idea from just some wishful thinking. It’s difficult to make this distinction when your inner emotional landscape is so cluttered with self-doubt and negative thoughts that you can’t tell what’s a unique natural expression of you and what’s just something your making up because your mind thinks it’s it will work. But if it is not a natural expression of some aspect of you then it is likely not going to end up giving you the long term sustainable prosperity that you really want.

Fortunately there’s something new now available that allows you to clean up your inner emotional landscape so that you can:

  • Clearly make the distinction and recognize your empowered ideas from your reactive emotionally driven thoughts.
  • Recognize and eliminate any self-sabotaging, not-useful emotions that would normally undermine your project and keep it from happening.
  • Get anything out of the way that would disempower your idea so that your unique expression of life energy, your unique way of gifting the world can become powerfully expressed resulting in not only prosperity but a great sense of achievement and fulfillment as well.

The process of removing your inner barriers to identifying and pursuing your best empowered ideas uses the Awaken Your Inner Greatness app that is a free app you can download from the Apple or Android app store.

iPhone – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/awaken-your-inner-greatness/id1239116596?ls=1&mt=8

Android – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.innergreatnessglobal.ayig

When you register for the Extraordinary Prosperity Program you will receive 16 sets of instructions for how to use the Pure Awareness Techniques in the app to interactively guide you through the process of removing your inner barriers to prospering. You ge one set of instructions per week for the following topics:

  1. Empowered Ideas
  2. Multiplying Your Power of Giving Value
  3. Magnetizing the Right Resources
  4. Overcoming all Barriers to Getting Started
  5. Being Customer Centric
  6. Focus and Presence
  7. Staying Balanced Under Stress
  8. How to insure that your decisions are right before taking action
  9. Trusting and Following Your Intuition
  10. Doing What You Love
  11. Optimizing Your Strengths
  12. Finding the Opportunity in Every Challenge
  13. Removing the Barriers to Having Lots of Money
  14. Extraordinary Leadership
  15. Enriching People’s Lives
  16. Optimizing Success

My experience from doing this program for many years with hundreds of people is that people’s conditioning around money issues is typically thick and deep. So there are plenty of things to work on.

You may have come to this web page as a result of seeing the free Webinar called The 7 Secrets of Emotional Mastery. This webinar includes an explanation of the Extraordinary Prosperity program as well as an explanation of the Extraordinary Relationships program and a special offer if you decide to take them both together. Here are links to the Extraordinary Relationships Program product page and to the page with the special offer for taking both Extraordinary Prosperity and Extraordinary Relationships both. If you haven’t yet seen this webinar you can get access to the recording of it here – The 7 Secrets of Emotional Mastery Free Webinar (recording coming soon).

Extraordinary Relationship $195

Special offer for Extraordinary Prosperity and Extraordinary Relationships both. $295 (save $100!)

In each of these programs you get one set of custom app instructions per week that clearly guide you in removing your inner barriers to having more money and having better relationships (if you get both programs. As you get these instructions once per week you will have plenty of time to use the techniques and remove your inner barriers during each week even it you do both programs together.

In addition, with this special offer you also get two 1-hour Q & A webinars so that you can get any questions you need answered addressed by me, Tom Stone, the creator of this program, the Awaken Your Inner Greatness App and the Inner Greatness Optimizing process. If you get both programs you get 4 Q & A webinars, 2 for each program. These Q & A Webinars happen after lessons 8 and 16. You’ll receive the links to the webinars with your 8th and 16th lesson instructions by email.

The people who take the first version of this program will get these Q & A sessions live. For those who take the program later, you will have access to the recordings of these webinars and if you have any questions that don’t get answered on the webinar recordings you can email me with your questions using the contact form on the website.


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