Blood Pressure Assessment Result

Assessment score [score][/score]


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If your score is in the 0 to 30 range it means that you probably have relatively normal blood pressure. this might be due to taking blood pressure medication if you are in fact taking such medication. So having a more or less normal reading wound not be a surprise to you. However, you can use the resources listed below to help lower your stress level and hopefully also lower your blood pressure in a natural way so that you don’t have to take medication any more.

If you are not taking high blood pressure medication and you have a normal reading then you are in pretty good shape and this is just a confirmation of that.

Regardless of the range of your resulting assessment score you may want to take advantage of some of the free resources that are listed below. The free Vaporize Your Stress app is available right here on the web site that you can access via the link in the list below.

Available now – 

[hint_block range=”30-60″]

If your score is in the 30 to 60 range it means that you probably have moderately high blood pressure. But that’s also probably not a surprise to you. You can use the resources listed below to help lower your stress level and hopefully also lower your blood pressure. Regardless of the range of your resulting assessment score we recommend that you start by using the free Vaporize Your Stress app here on the web site that you can access via the link in the list below.

Available now – 

[hint_block range=”60-100″]

If your score is in the 60 to 100 range it means that you probably have high blood pressure. But that’s also probably not a surprise to you. You can use the resources listed below to help lower your stress level and hopefully also lower your blood pressure. Regardless of the range of your resulting assessment score we recommend that you start by using the free Vaporize Your Stress app here on the web site that you can access via the link in the list below.

Available now – 


High Blood Pressure can be caused by physical factors and/or emotional stress factors. To determine to what extent your high blood pressure may be caused by emotional stress you can have an individualized evaluation by sending us the information requested in the email form at the bottom of this page.

Some of the information like the URL of your blood pressure assessment results page and other information about you is automatically filled into the form by our system. Please provide any information that is not already in the form including your picture and then click SEND. We will get back to you with our feedback as soon as possible.



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