Transform Depression into Happiness demo – Karen Berry

This is an excellent demonstration of how we transform depression into happiness.

(Use the form at the bottom of this page to request a free demo like this one for yourself!)

Karen wasn’t constantly depressed but she frequently had episodes of depression and didn’t know how to stop them.

In this session we resolved the energy patterns that had been causing these episodes.

Here’s the video of her follow up session. She basically reports that her problem is gone!


She was sooooo happy by the end of her first session as you’ll see when you watch the the session here.

Here’s an email she sent to me right after the session.


Dear Tom,

Just a quick note to say a BIG ‘Thank You’ for today’s Demo Session.

WOW!  It was incredible! I do feel so much better… I feel lighter, clearer and, oddly, like something is missing.

I also found your book ‘Pure Awareness’ so useful too… I keep dipping in and out of it!  The tools all initially appeared so simple, yet they are so powerful and effective, it’s amazing!  I’m hungry to keep learning more and more…
I look forward to connecting with you again in a couple of weeks.
I loved how you explained your intention/purpose ~ ‘to cure the world of pain’ ~ it’s so wonderful… keep sharing your gifts.
A huge ‘thank you’ once again… I appreciated your time and dedication to help me…
Blessings, love and light
Karen Elizabeth Berry
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