The Tragedy of Knowledge

We live in a time in which the tragedy of knowledge seems to have caused major religions and other traditions of knowledge to have lost their true essence. This includes them losing a significant connection to the original truths each one may have possessed at their origins. Instead, they have become institutions who dictate codes of behavior and directives for people to follow – such as what you should and should not do. This may be a principle reason why many people no longer feel attracted to religion. People can sense that there’s not much truth or wisdom in what is being taught by these religions in our modern times.

What may have caused this to happen?

When a truly wise teacher speaks or writes something about the nature of life, he or she does so because they are speaking from a heightened level of awareness. Their awareness is so clear that they just naturally see the expanded reality of things.

Presumably, a student seeks out the wisdom from a wise teacher so they too can evolve into a higher level of consciousness.  However, those who read or hear the expressions of these wise men and women, are perceiving what is being communicated from their own respective level of consciousness – which is typically lower than the level of the teacher. This difference in consciousness between the teacher and student is the main cause of the tragedy of knowledge. When the wise teacher expresses their wisdom, it is easy for the less conscious aspirant to misinterpret what is being communicated.

For example, the teacher says something like – “In Pure Awareness there are no desires.” This statement is merely a simple description of a characteristic of Pure Awareness. A less aware spiritual seeker might misinterpret this statement as, “To experience Pure Awareness, I have to get rid of my desires”. Of course, this is not what the wise teacher said.  In the experience of Pure Awareness, there is nothing in the experience but Awareness itself.  There’s no object of experience of any kind. The teacher’s statement wasn’t instruction on how to have the experience of being in Pure Awareness, it was just a description of the nature of Pure Awareness. As a result of the student’s misinterpretation of the teaching, he thought he had to abandon earthly belongings and go live in a cave with no possessions in order to attain the experience of Pure Awareness.

These misinterpretations get passed on from one generation to the next and continues in this fashion until the wise teacher’s wisdom has very little or nothing to do with the original intent of what was expressed.

A relevant example of how this phenomenon occurs is in the analogy of a children’s game called ”telephone.” The children sit in a circle and one of the boys or girls starts the telephone game by whispering something to the child sitting next to them. That child then whispers what they think they heard to the next child in the circle and so on. This continues throughout the entire circle and by the time it gets back to the first child, it is typically something very different than what was first whispered at the start of the circle. This is like a version of the tragedy of knowledge on steroids!

Historically, the tragedy of knowledge has been thought to be inevitable.  To counteract this, our organization offers potential solutions to this phenomenon such as the Inner Greatness Optimizing.  We want the benefits of Inner Greatness Optimizing to help as many people as possible to have fulfilling lives for many years to come.

How can this be accomplished? For starters, everyone who studies Inner Greatness Optimizing is encouraged to incorporate the Pure Awareness Techniques into their daily lives.  When they do, a person can improve their life by cleaning up their inner emotional landscape. As a result of this, we typically see the person gain a higher state of consciousness, as high or higher than their teacher. Not only will this allow them to hear and interpret what they learn correctly, but it will make it possible for them to adapt the knowledge of this beautiful body of learnings and techniques to the positive changes that can be made within society. Even as culture and languages change over time, the teachings won’t lose its purity and effectiveness.

In addition, our mission at the Ancient Wisdom Institute is to renew Vedic knowledge in order to make it understandable to modern day seekers of truth. This is being done in a manner that updates it for modern times, yet maintains the underlying wisdom as it was originally intended to be understood and applied.   The goal is to maintain the purity and value within the tradition over the course of time – by people of high consciousness. Those involved in teaching or updating this knowledge will be ones who have gained a high level of consciousness, and who can naturally communicate this from their own example of being in Pure Awareness all the time.  The Ancient Wisdom Institute will make this wisdom accessible to seekers who are interested in learning of the knowledge of life and expansion of consciousness.

Vedic knowledge is the oldest body of knowledge about life on Earth, It is estimated to be 10,000 to 20,000 years old. It was originally passed on by an oral tradition and eventually put into written form.   Sanskrit, which is the language that the Vedas are written in, is believed to have a special attribute of being the original language from which all languages have evolved. It is also said that the Sanskrit words are the vibratory patterns of the thing that the word means – the word is the natural name of the thing. It seems as if the originators of Sanskrit had such clear consciousness that they could both see and hear the vibrating patterns of energy that create the thing. There is a perfect match between the name and the form of that thing, From our perspective, it makes sense to utilize the Vedic knowledge and update it and translate it solely from the original Sanskrit. This will also help maintain the essential truth contained in this ancient wisdom.

There is a saying in the Vedic knowledge that the Vedas are of no more use to a man than is a well in a place flooded with water. This means that if someone is living in Pure Awareness all the time, then the Vedic knowledge is innately in them and they experience life from that state of being.  The Ancient Wisdom Institute is dedicated to teach as many seekers as possible how to cultivate and live in a state of ongoing Pure Awareness.

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