The 12 Causes of Human Problems –

The 12 Causes of Human Problems

13 recorded video classes

Price – $297

It took me years of work and very deep inquiry into the nature of human conditioning to discover the insights that are embodied in this course. I was looking for the answer to the question – What are the deepest causes of problems in human life. It took a long time but I gradually discovered the answers.

To live your life with the highest possible levels of performance, success, fulfillment, satisfaction, contribution, happiness, prosperity, ease and comfort, this is only possible when every thought, word and action you take are coming from your inner greatness. It means that you are in total alignment with the universe, with the laws of nature and your own essential nature.

Is it easy? It didn’t used to be, but new breakthroughs in understanding the real nature of conditioning and new techniques for truly eliminating the real basis of what creates the kinds of conditioning that get in the way of having a life like that have been discovered and are now available to everyone.

The Nature of Conditioning Conditioning is the process of learning to do things so well that you don’t have to think about how to do them anymore. You get so good at doing something that you have the idea to do it and it just happens pretty much automatically.

Conditioning itself isn’t good or bad. It’s just the process of getting good at something by practicing it until it becomes automatic.

But there are two categories of conditioning, they are conditioning that is useful and conditioning that is not useful or no longer useful. This means that some conditioning creates freedom and some conditioning creates limitations, problems and suffering.

Our speech and actions can either be the expression of our conditioning or the expression of our inner greatness, our essential nature, Pure Awareness.

The differences between thought, speech and actions based on conditioning vs thought, speech and actions based on Pure Awareness are the basic determining factors of whether we have a life of suffering or of optimal performance, success and fulfillment.  

What’s needed is to create a state of being in your life in which every thought, everything you say, every decision you make, every action you take comes from Pure Awareness and not from your learned “not-useful” conditioned responses.

How can you do that?

In order to do that we have to get rid of whatever it is that causes you to think, talk, decide and take action based on your conditioning.

In this course we will use the IGO protocol and the Freedom Practice to do this.

The Freedom Practice has 4 phases to it.  

  • Phase 1 is doing FP in the mornings for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Phase 2 is to integrate using FP into your daily life
  • Phase 3 is the FP Mastery program that helps you to not miss any opportunities to use FP during daily life
  • Phase 4 is called Topic Specific FP in which you don’t wait for ego and emotional pain-based thoughts to come along. Instead, you have a list of pre-determined topics such as those in the 12 Causes of Human Problems course and the Extraordinary Relationships course. Then you use FP to clear about any IN and OUT technique energies that would limit you regarding each topic.

You are already getting great breakthroughs, but you will find that this course will empower your IGO coaching and take it to the next quantum level.

Save $100

Save $100 when you register for both the Extraordinary Relationships course and the 12 Causes of Human Problems now for only $594.

 The 12 Causes of Human Problems – Price – $297

 Extraordinary Relationships – Price – $397

Full Price if booked separately – $694

Register for both together now and Save $100)

Price – $594


The first 10 people who register for the combination of both trainings before Jan. 3rd get a 1-on-1 session with me.

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