The Success and Fulfillment Program is a new major breakthrough that can help you to awaken your inner greatness and more fully express the unique potential that lies latent within you. You know that you have more potential than you are expressing in your life. Successful people consistently are quoted as saying that trusting their intuition is one of the major keys to success. Long-term studies show that people who have good relationships are consistently happier and healthier than people who don’t.
And lasting fulfillment doesn’t come from outer circumstances. It’s an inner state of being. People have thought that it takes giving up worldly material success and pursuing lengthy austere practices to gain inner peace and a sense of lasting fulfillment. And it seems like it takes a lifetime of such work to accomplish it… if you even make it. But there’s some very good news. The real path to inner fulfillment is much, much easier than we have come to believe. That’s because the essence of how to gain inner fulfillment has been lost in most traditions.
The researchers at Inner Greatness Centers have made an extraordinary discovery of how to identify and resolve the specific inner barriers that block you from experiencing your essential nature, which is simply your own awareness. People who learn and use Tom’s Pure Awareness Techniques report having experiences of Pure Awareness right away. And now the Permanent Pure Awareness Program, available at your IGC, specifically targets and removes the inner barriers that get in the way of living and enjoying Pure Awareness all the time.
You already have inner greatness latent inside of you. Some people are accessing and expressing it more than others but not many are expressing it fully. This is why there are precious few people who are really living and enjoying the combination of wealth, great relationships and lasting happiness and fulfillment. Their inner greatness is there but getting to it and truly living it are just blocked by the inner barriers of their conditioning and lack of skill at resoling their emotions. It is not so much your outer circumstances that are holding you back and keeping you stuck. It’s your inner state of being.
Finally someone has found the answers. The IGC Success and Fulfillment program has three major components to it. View the details of each of the three parts of this unique program:
Your Inner Greatness Center Coach (IGCC) uses two new technologies that can remove your inner barriers to trusting and acting on your intuition more consistently which is the under utilized part of your brainpower that is what successful people say is the key to their success. It also removes your inner barriers to having truly extraordinary relationships. And it specifically targets and removes the barriers to experiencing deep inner peace and fulfillment all the time.
Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? But these breakthroughs are major discoveries and you have to see how they work to believe it. Come see for yourself. Come to an Inner Greatness Center introduction to learn all about how to awaken your inner greatness and start to live and enjoy the success and fulfillment that’s been lying dormant within you.
While you are either at an Inner Greatness Center or at an introductory presentation about the programs and services offered at Inner Greatness Centers, get tested for any of our programs and services that interest you. You’ll be able to experience whether or not they are likely to help. And the tests are free!
What to expect:
The testing that is done for this program is related to its three different parts. We test for what percentage of your brainpower you care using on average. We test for how many barriers there are to having an Ideal Relationship. And we test for the level to which you are living in Pure Awareness all the time and how many barriers there are to experiencing the presence of Pure Awareness all the time.
The program involves a series of sessions and periodically we retest to see the improvements in access to your brainpower and level of living in Pure Awareness all the time.
Please be aware that the Permanent Pure Awareness Program sessions are currently only available at the IGC Shanghai office. The other two parts of the IGC Success and Fulfillment program are available at certain IGC’s where the Inner Greatness Center Coaches have taken the training for delivering this program. Check our Locations for the current offerings at your local IGC to see if the Ideal Relationships program and the More Brainpower = More Success programs are currently available in your local area.
These programs vary in the number of sessions because each person’s collection of inner barriers that get in the way of being successful, having great relationships and living in Pure Awareness all the time is the different and unique to them. Each session fee is $350 for a 1 on 1 – 1 hour session. However, if you are going to go through this program it’s best to commit to it and to encourage you to do that we offer a discount for registering for a series of 10 sessions. The price for a 10 session series is $2500. You save $1000 over taking the sessions at the individual session price.
The highest priority topic for each individual session is determined by Intuition Testing by your Inner Greatness Center Coach at the beginning of the session. It could be a topic from any of the three parts of the program. You might need some help more urgently regarding something that’s impacting your being able to follow your intuition. Or it might be a priority to resolve some problems in one of your relationships, either business or person. So the Success and Fulfillment program is designed to give you what you need in a priority that is guided by your body’s wisdom. This insures that you make the most rapid progress and get maximum benefit and positive results. Within 10 sessions you should see major positive changes and improvement in your life.
Both the QEO and the Inner Greatness Optimizing process using the Pure Awareness Techniques are used in these sessions. Many years of experience have validated that this combination produces the optimal results in the fastest possible way. The changes are typically both powerful and cumulative. Each session builds on the improvements of the previous ones helping you to develop a life that exceeds your previous concept of how good life can be. Joining the IGC Success and Fulfillment program is one of the best possible investments you can make in the most important resource in your life… you!