If you come down with a cold, we may be able to shorten the length of it with our unique approach to reducing the stresses that are causing or contributing to the cold. The QEO and the Pure Awareness Techniques can be used to reduce the stresses that cause the common cold. There are four parts to this program and each person may need any combination of these parts.=
- We weaken the energy field of the virus that is causing the cold. This tends to shorten the length of time for recovering from a cold because it makes the job of the immune system easier when the energy of the virus is weakened. The process is done by using the QEO to invert the energy from a sample of saliva or nasal secretion. The energy of the virus is in the saliva or nasal secretion sample. The QEO inverts and amplifies the energy of the virus and sends the signal to the body. Because the energy coming from the QEO is the mirror image of the waveform of the virus it weakens or cancels out the virus energy thus removing the pathogenic cause of the cold. We can also weaken the energy of the virus using ampoules from the virus test kit if the kit is available.
- We strengthen the energy of the body’s natural viral defense mechanism by upgrading the energy of interferon using the QEO
- We resolve any emotional stresses that are weakening the immune system by using the Pure Awareness Techniques, the Inner Greatness Optimizing Protocol and/or the QEO for debugging the energy of any associated conditioning.
- We can also use the WaveScanner to create individualized programs with the QEO for resolving any other forms of stress that may be contributing to the cold.
What to expect:
The Free Test will show us if doing any of these procedures is likely to shorten the duration of your cold. The results of these tests will determine which technologies are most likely to yield positive results of resolving the stresses that are causing the cold. In some cases when the stresses are relieved just as you are coming down with the cold it can get rid of it over night. In other cases, if the cold is already well established then the effect of the stress reduction may only help to shorten the length of the cold and it may not be easy to assess whether it has helped or not.
Sessions can be 20 minutes to one hour depending on the number of causes and modalities used.
- The first possible treatment for weakening the energy of the virus using body secretions takes about 10 minutes.
- The second possible treatment for weakening the energy of the virus using the appropriate virus ampoules
- The third possible treatment for strengthening the energy of the immune system using the interferon ampoule (if this resource is available at your IGC) takes about 10 minutes
- The fourth possible treatment for strengthening the energy of the immune system using the interferon ampoule (if this resource is available at your IGC) takes about 10 minutes
- The fifth possible treatment for resolving any disruptive emotions that are weakening the energy of the immune system using the Inner Greatness Optimizing Process typically takes from 20 to 30 minutes
You might need more than one of these treatments in your session so the total service fee will depend on these factors and usually can be determined at the beginning of the session via the testing. Check with your local IGC for pricing.
Results may vary.