Again the same procedure is used as for the Rapid Personal Productivity Upgrade and for Improved Reading Speed and Comprehension. See the results of an example case on the graph below.
In the free test for this program you will very likely experience immediately the kind of improvement that it can have for improving your academic performance or your child’s academic performance.
This process can be particularly valuable for helping to improve college entrance exam scores. The improvements in reading speed, comprehension and academic performance naturally result in higher scores. Studying becomes much easier and reading becomes a pleasure instead of a struggle.
What to expect:
This is the same as the program for improving personal productivity and for improving reading speed and comprehension. The session takes about 25 minutes. The free test determines in a few moments if you have this problem and if our process will help.
For people who really have difficulty with the various academic skills such as reading, writing and math, the process can provide immediate and dramatic improvements as the example on the chart shows. Reading speed and comprehension usually improve so dramatically that it is immediately obvious.
Others who have this problem but who also have developed the ability to compensate for it may not experience as much contrast as others who really struggle with focusing have. It is still possible to determine if the process will be helpful using our special muscle testing procedures. People who don’t obviously read faster do often report that the meaning of what’s read does seem to “flow in” more easily. They say that the reading becomes effortless. They also find that if they have had a tendency to be distracted and not complete tasks that these problems are significantly reduced.
This process only requires one session. We have been doing this process for many years now and people who have had it done years ago report that the ability to naturally and effortless stay focused has become a normal part of their life.
This is the same as the program for improving personal productivity and reading speed and comprehension. The session takes about 25 minutes. The free test determines in a few moments if you have this problem and if our process will help.
For service fees check with your local IGC.
Results may vary.