
Saturn – Vedic Astrology Reading

Original price was: $250.00.Current price is: $101.00.

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The 30 month kameshti is an opportunity that only occurs once after 30 years. So it is something that doesn’t make any sense to think – “I’ll do it next time! 

This is a simple reading to determine which positive and negative influences Saturn will have in your life over the coming 30 months. The reading will also make clear how strong these influences will be and how this will  specifically affect your life.

Doing such readings does involve calculating your full Vedic astrology chart information so the preparation does take some time. Allow about 30 to 45 minutes for the reading when scheduling it. Either Ritesh or an IGG representative will contact you after you have registered. The price is only $101. To register, click the ADD TO CART button above. 


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