Certified Extraordinary Coaches have gone through extensive training and have resolved their own deepest traumas. They use the simple but powerful Pure Awareness Techniques and a new process called WaveForm Optimizing to resolve or eliminate the energy patterns that are the real causes of problems.
This kind of coaching is unlike either traditional coaching or therapy. It is dramatically superior to anything like that. People who have coaching sessions from certified Extraordinary Coaches rave about how effective it is. They experience getting solutions to problems that have been difficult or impossible to change with any previous method.
Individual coaching sessions have been reduced in price and are now $250 per 1 hour session. This may be higher for an individual session then other coaching or therapy sessions but it is very common that major breakthroughs occur in every session, breakthroughs that even years of traditional coaching or therapy have not been able to solve. So it is actually much more cost effective than earlier approaches.
To book a session with a Certified Extraordinary Coach use the ADD TO CART button on this page.
To speak with a Certified Extraordinary Coach before booking your session, fill out the form below and click SUBMIT. One of our Extraordinary Coach Coordinators will contact you to help you get someone who will be the right fit for you.
You can also save $200 by booking a package of 4 sessions for $1200 by using this link –
Extraordinary Coaching – 4 Session Package