Muscle testing research has often led to results indicating that muscle testing is not a reliable medical diagnostic tool. This may be largely due to the intentions of the people designing and implementing such research.
As mentioned above there are two ways of gaining knowledge – from direct experience and from intellectual understanding. The thing that researcher have probably not taken into account in the muscle testing research design is that muscle testing is not an objective method, It is highly subjective. If for example the researchers had some aspect of their intention in designing and doing the research that they wanted to prove it was not consistent, they would very likely succeed in proving such an intention, even if it was not a fully conscious intention.
The thing about muscle testing is that it is a comparison between how the muscle responds to an intention and what is being said or thought by the person doing the testing. Even subtle differences in the intention of the tester can produce different results. And if there was any intention in the design or implementation of the study, then it could easily give an indication that muscle testing is not objectively reliable.
There’s no need to prove this because it isn’t really an objective process. There is subjectivity in the design of the study, There is subjectivity in the intentions of those doing the testing. And those doing the testing may even be influenced by the attitudes or the people who are doing the study.
In addition, there may be assumptions involved with a study such as one that was done to try to show the difference between putting a drop of water containing sucrose on the tongue verses a drop of water containing fructose on the tongue and then seeing if the muscle being tested produces a strong or weak response. There is an assumption in this study design that the muscle should respond strong to one test and weak to other. But it might very well be that the body will respond with a weak response to both,
It could also be the case that the person doing the testing gets told something to think or say when doing the test. But the thing that is thought or said can mean something different to each person doing the testing.
All of these kinds of issues should make it clear that muscle testing is a highly subjective methodology. This however, doesn’t make it useless. It just means that it is more of an art than a science. It also makes it apparent that there is probably no such thing as objectivity.
We know from physics that everything that appears to be matter is actually patterns of vibraining energy. If we take this a step further from the perspective of ancient Vedic science everything is a pattern of vibrating consciousness.
So don’t let the limitations of scientific thinking get in the way of your learning and mastering muscle testing. It is one of the most valuable things that I have learned in my life.
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