This is a special page designed to support people who have read the chapter by Tom Stone in the book –
Mastering the Art of Success
Use the techniques in your app – Awaken Your Inner Greatness – by following the detailed instructions below. If you haven’t downloaded the app yet you can get it here –
You are about to learn how to trust and act on your intuition more consistently. Up until now, no one has known how to upgrade your ability to follow your intuition but amazingly enough, now it’s possible to do that, and with the help of this app… it’s easy. Thousands of people have done it already and so can you!
You may have found this app as a result of reading my chapter in the book Mastering the Art of Success by Jack Canfield. I’m a coauthor with Jack along with other coauthors of this new book was published on July 13, 2017 and became a best seller on that day. If you haven’t read the chapter yet you might want to do that to put the information here into context. For your convenience I’ve put the chapter here – Trusting Your Intuition: The Real Key to Success.
Perhaps you had the good fortune to find this app in some other way even without learning about it from the book. However you found it, congratulations! You’re about to learn how to remove the inner barriers to being able follow your intuition much more consistently so that you make more right decisions that will naturally lead you to having much more success in your life.
This app is designed to help you stop doubting and ignoring your intuition. Most people don’t trust their intuition and when they find out that their intuition was right, they regret that they didn’t follow it. You can probably relate to that.
In Mastering the Art of Success I explain that people who are successful consistently say that one of the key factors in their success has been following their intuition. New insights, new techniques and the development of this Inner Guidance App system have now made it possible (perhaps for the first time anywhere) to help you remove your inner barriers to being able to much more consistently recognize, trust and act on your intuition.
Steve Jobs – Founder of Apple Computer said –
Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary. – Steve Jobs
This App is going to teach you how to do that. And you’ll be guiding yourself through some new experiential techniques that really get to the true underlying causes of why you haven’t trusted your intuition.
You will learn how to do some things that are the opposite of what you have been doing all of your life. And by using the app and doing the techniques you’ll be able to become more like people who have been successful by more consistently following their intuition than most people do.
The techniques you will be learning are called The Pure Awareness Techniques and they are easiest to do with your eyes closed. You just swipe to the right on your phone’s screen (which is easy to do with your eyes closed) to hear the next audio instruction. This allows you to keep your eyes closed as you listen to and follow the audio guidance instructions.
To use a technique select it from the menu using the small menu icon in the upper right hand corner of your screen. When you swipe to the right you will hear the first audio instruction that will tell you to close your eyes. The other ways of navigating through the audio clips in
the app are obvious from each of the techniques interface screens in the app.
Preparation for Using This App
A New Technology
New technologies are being invented all the time and this app with its unique audio guidance system for using the Pure Awareness Techniques is just that – a new technology for removing your inner barriers to having much more consistent intuition leading to more right actions and greater success in everything you do.
There is a lot of information below that explains the real nature and cause of why you have doubted and ignored your intuition in the past. And there’s a detailed description of how you can resolve this using this app. It’s a lot of information because what you need to learn is how to do something new, something that you have almost certainly never experienced before. So please read all of the information as it will give you a very good foundation for understanding exactly what to do to prepare for and successfully use this app.
Upfront you should know that this is going to take learning to do some things that are the exact opposite of what you have been doing your whole life. After all, what you have been doing hasn’t been working or you wouldn’t be here checking this out!
You’ve been ignoring your intuition because of some deep early childhood conditioning. You’ve also developed a habit of wishing that things were different, wishing that something had turned out the way that you had expected it to. These patterns of conditioning keep you locked into having clouded thinking and making poor ego based and emotionally driven decisions. Later you regret such decisions but you haven’t been able to stop making them.
This typically means that you will have two different kinds of disruptive emotional energy patterns in and around your body. Here’s a diagram of the two kinds of disruptive emotional energies.
Getting the Real Breakthroughs You Need
The key to being able to breakthrough and finally get rid of the hidden barriers that are sabotaging your ability to trust and act on your intuition is to approach this problem on a new level… on the level where these barriers really live.
Emotions have both content and energy. The content is the part that most people and most approaches focus on. But it is the energy of an emotion that gives it life. When the energy is gone, the emotion is gone. The circumstances may still be there but the “charge” of your emotional reaction to the circumstances will be gone. It starts to just feel neutral.
What you’ve done in the past hasn’t been working so we need to approach it in a new much more highly effective way.
You need something new. And fortunately you have found it!
Anti-virus software for human beings
Think of it like this. If you have a virus on your computer, you can understand everything about it, the name of the virus, where it came from, how it is corrupting your files, etc., but that doesn’t get it off of your computer. You have to run the appropriate anti-virus software to get rid of the virus. The computer code that makes up the virus is a pattern of zeros and ones that are on/off signals, essentially an energy pattern. In order to get rid of the virus and its harmful influences you have to disrupt or erase the energy pattern of the virus.
It’s the same for humans. Our Inner Human Software needs to be properly debugged and upgraded. The new approach that you are going to learn from this app is how to effectively resolve the disruptive emotional energy that IS what the barriers to trusting your intuition are made of. It is literally like running human anti-virus software on yourself! Using this app actually gets rid of the problem. It is going to wipe it off of your hard drive!!!
I know that it sounds too good to be true… but it is true. You don’t have to take my word for it. Just use the app, follow the instructions and see for yourself!
On the Types of Emotions Chart above there are two kinds of energies that typically cause emotional problems and your inner barriers to following your intuition are comprised of both of them. So the app is going to show you how to resolve both kinds of energy patterns that contribute to you ignoring your intuition. You’re going to learn how to allow yourself to feel the energy of your old unresolved emotional pain that is at the real root of this problem. And once you learn how to locate the emotional energy and feel it, you’ll learn how to put your attention right into the center of the most intense part of the energy field of the old emotional pain and completely resolve it.
You’re Not 3 Years Old Anymore
To the 3-year-old inside of you this doesn’t sound like a good idea at all. But you aren’t 3 years old any more even though you’ve had a inner 3 year old running your emotional life all of this time. It’s time for an upgrade. As an adult you have an enormous capacity to feel and resolve emotional pain. It’s just that this innate capacity has been quite under utilized in your life up until now. Now you’re going to learn how to use it. And what you’re going to discover is that with just a little bit of training and guidance, with an adult’s capacity to feel emotional energy patterns, now you can resolve the emotional pain at the basis of ignoring your intuition so that these barriers are really gone… permanently. This “anti-virus software for human beings” that resolves emotional pain quickly and easily is called the IN Technique.
You are also going to learn how to extract yourself from the energy clouds of reactive emotions. You’ll learn that you have been holding onto stories in your mind about what you wished would have happened. You wish that your expectation of how things would be had turned out the way you wanted. But it didn’t. Even though life showed up the way that it did and not the way you wanted it to, you are still stuck in your story and the reactive emotion about it not happening how you wanted. You’re having difficulty accepting that even if you aren’t aware that it’s been happening.
Intellectually understanding all of this will not get you to stop ignoring your intuition because understanding everything about it doesn’t get rid of the “virus” that is causing your inner barriers. Understanding that you are continuing to keep the story in your mind that things should have been different doesn’t make them different and it doesn’t stop you from having emotional reactions about it.
That’s again because there’s another “virus” that’s been holding your story in place… keeping you locked into it. No amount of intellectual understanding about what happened or what you are doing is going to get this off of your “hard drive.”
The OUT Technique
You need another anti-virus program for human beings for this one too. What you need is called the OUT Technique. The OUT Technique will show you just how to extract yourself from the energy field that is locking you into your story and making it nearly impossible to let it go. This app is going to show you how to break out of the jail cell of this story’s energy field. Once you are outside of the energy field, you will see… it’s like magic. It will allow you to finally be able to be at peace with what happened and stop wishing that it should be different. Sounds amazing but… it works! You have to experience it to believe it.
The problem is that this is a deeply conditioned “bad habit”. Just deciding that you won’t do that any more isn’t going to work. The conditioning will keep you locked into doing this unless we do something to really disrupt or eliminate the conditioned pattern.
The Provocation Test
When the emotional pain is gone and you have come out of the reactive emotional energy cloud, it will be a good idea to open your eyes and take a little break. At that point you will do a simple exercise to make sure that the problem is really resolved. We call it a “provocation test.”
That means that you attempt to provoke the energy of the problem again using what we call the LOCATE Technique. You can use first the version called LOCATE IN and then use LOCATE OUT to get access to both kinds of energy fields. The LOCATE Techniques work by guiding you into the silence in which your thoughts occur and then, you tell your body to show you any remaining energy that could be sabotaging your ability to trust your intuition. And amazingly enough, it will!
If when you do the provocation test you find that there’s still some emotional charge left, you just use the IN or OUT Techniques (or both of them) a little more until the disruptive emotion is really completely gone. If there isn’t any additional energy, that means you got it all.
Resolving Multiple Barriers
Then whenever you are ready, if you have a sense that there are more inner barriers to resolve that are blocking you from trusting and acting on your intuition, you can start the technique again and see if there’s something else that you want to get rid of. Start the app again and guide yourself through the process again. You can resolve as many of your inner barriers to trusting your intuition as you feel comfortable to do in one sitting. That’s entirely up to you. As is explained below, getting rid of the fear of punishment has been found to be the primary one. When that one is gone, it can make a huge difference in the percentage of the time that you can recognize when you are having an intuitive thought and then trust it and take action on it.
Sometimes people have multiple issues or multiple versions of the energy patterns that are holding their inner barriers to trusting their intuition more consistently. If you do, you can use the LOCATE Technique to do the provocation test again. Just tell your body to show you any remaining energies that are blocking your ability to trust and act on your intuition… and if you still have some, the body will show you right where you are storing that energy. Use either the IN or OUT Technique or both of them to resolve these additional barriers. You just need to run the anti-virus software a little longer to finish the job. You’ll know when it’s gone because it feels totally different. You will feel at peace, relaxed and free regarding this issue.
Let’s get Started!
You are about to start the Techniques. Here’s what you are going to do –
You first have to feel the energy field of the emotion. Follow the suggestions below in order to be able to do that.
Accessing the Energy fields of the Barriers
In the Mastering the Art of Success I mentioned that I discovered that there are 2 main ways to greatly improve your ability to follow your heart and intuition and thereby be much more successful than you ever have been in the past.
- The first way is to remove the primary fear that blocks you from trusting and acting on your intuition. This turns out to be the fear of punishment. That’s what you are going to learn how to do using your app.
- The second way is to learn how to remove the real root causes of clouded thinking and poor decisions that get in the way of recognizing and following your intuition. That’s the topic of the separate second set of instructions called Powerful Thinking & Decisions. You can access those detailed instructions from the Emotional Mastery Applications Index page on the website.
Getting rid of the Fear of Punishment
We’ll start with getting rid of the fear of punishment. As I mentioned in the book, this happens as a result of doing some innocent things to just explore our world when we are very young. If we do something like paint a picture all over our bedroom wall with a blue felt-tip marker, we might think what we have done is great. But our parents may not agree and we might get punished.
This can be a pretty traumatic experience for a very young child. From a young child’s perspective it feels like our source of love, support, comfort, the meeting of all of our needs, actually for pretty much everything, has just turned on us. And we aren’t prepared for this. It’s a shock. We feel betrayed, bewildered, hurt, and perhaps many other emotions when something like this occurs.
It doesn’t take many such experiences before we begin to get the idea that taking action on our creative, intuitive impulses might just get us in trouble again. This fear of punishment is quite common as a result of this kind of parental punishment and the traumatic energy that such experiences tend to create. The pain from these kinds of experiences is still held inside of you, unresolved ever since they happened.
So the fear of punishment is an unresolved traumatic emotional energy that’s held inside of you somewhere. And although it’s pretty well buried it gets triggered every time you get an intuition. The sequence is that you get the intuition and it is immediately followed by the fear that there will all hell to pay if you take action on that intuitive idea. You can probably recall having had intuitive ideas and then for some reason not acting on them and later finding out that your intuition was completely right and you really wish you had followed your intuition by taking action on the idea.
In order to overcome this deeply conditioned reaction it is necessary to eliminate the fear of punishment thoroughly so that when an intuitive idea comes up this fear doesn’t sabotage it.
Getting rid of this fear is exactly what we are going to do here.
As mentioned above, this fear is pretty well buried so to get access to it we have to use one of the techniques in your app called LOCATE IN. LOCATE IN is a simple technique for allowing you to notice the silence of your own awareness and then tell your body to show you the energy of the fear of punishment. It’s amazing how well this works for uncovering emotions that are normally suppressed, even if they have been suppressed for a long time. We will use LOCATE IN in just a few moments to gain access to the energy pattern of the fear of punishment that’s stored in your body. But first an overview on what happens after that.
The energy of the fear of punishment is what we call IN Technique energy. This means that it is an unresolved, old painful emotion from the past. It will feel like a tight knot or ball of energy stored inside of you somewhere. Often we will store such energies in our solar plexus or chest, somewhere toward the center of the body although it could be stored anywhere.
Once you can feel this tight, constricted energy you will then start the IN Technique. Both the LOCATE Technique and the IN Technique are sequences of interactive audio instructions. To start the LOCATE Technique select LOCATE IN from the techniques menu. Then swipe the screen to the right to start the first audio clip and guide yourself through the instructions to access the IN Technique energy field of the fear of punishment.
The IN Technique
As soon as you can feel the IN Technique energy of the fear of Punishment, switch to the IN Technique audio instructions by using the menu accessed from the small menu icon in the upper right of your phone’s screen. Select The IN Technique. Then guide yourself through the resolution of the old incomplete experience of the emotional pain from the past punishment experiences by swiping the screen to the right for each new audio instruction when you are finished doing what the previous instruction has guided you to do.
The OUT Technique
Once you have resolved the IN Technique energy we now want to check to see if there is some reactive emotional energy of the fear of punishment that also needs to be resolved.
It’s not so likely that you will get access to the reactive OUT Technique energy by just thinking about not trusting your intuition. So you can now use the version of the LOCATE Technique that prepares you for the OUT Technique to get access to the energy cloud. That one is called LOCATE OUT. There may be some situations where you don’t have any OUT Technique energy. Sometimes resolving the old traumatic IN Technique energy may entirely get rid of the fear of punishment. So when the IN Technique energy is resolved that may be all that’s needed in some cases. Just use the LOCATE OUT Technique to check to see if there’s any of this kind of energy or not. If not, then when you tell the body to show you the energy you won’t get anything. If that happens tell the body again and if both times you get nothing then you can be confident that there’s no reactive emotional energy about the fear of punishment.
You may also have developed the habit of projecting the possibility of some negative outcome on to the future that if you do follow your intuition that something bad might happen. If you use the LOCATE OUT Technique and you do sense the reactive energy cloud then go ahead with the OUT Technique and resolve that energy cloud.
When you have finished resolving both the IN and OUT Technique energies of the fear of punishment, open your eyes.
You just vaporized one of the main stresses that has been causing you to not trust and act on your intuition.
If for any reason you’d like to have some personalized 1-on-1 support with any of this process from a Certified Inner Greatness Coach, you can use our on line booking system that’s at the bottom of this page to book a private personal coaching session.
Powerful Thinking and Decisions
Once you have success with getting rid of your fear of punishment using this app then you move on to step 2, which is to use the app for Powerful Thinking & Decisions. That set of instructions is designed to guide you through the process of cleaning up additional barriers to not being able to consistently follow your intuition.
Many of the thoughts that you have that you take action on are actually based on the remaining presence of other disruptive emotions. The Powerful Thinking & Decisions app will show you how you can clean these up. Most people have a backlog of disruptive emotions so you may have to do some real deep Spring cleaning with this second step. But as you will see, each time you resolve another disruptive emotion you will feel lighter, much more present and you’ll be able to start to much more easily distinguish between a thought that is based on a disruptive emotion and an intuitive thought. And it’s free! Download that app too if you haven’t already and try it out. You’ll be very glad that you did!
The Short Versions of LOCATE
By the way, the short versions of the LOCATE Technique are for after you have used the initial longer version of it the first time or the first few times (you decide). As you get used to doing it you won’t need as much instruction but you can decide which one you prefer using as you progress.
To Your Success!
Awaken Your Inner Greatness Applications Index