Limited Range of Motion Assessment
Similar to chronic pain, having limited range of motion is a very common problem. Traditional medicine and Chinese medicine typically only have short-term help for limited range of motion at best if it helps at all. Currently there are no really good treatments for limited range of motion from any of the traditional sources other then sometimes getting short term improvement from physical therapy.
The body usually heals most health and wellness problems over time but with limited range of motion it seems that there is often something blocking the ability of the body to heal itself from whatever is causing the limited range of motion.
The Quantum Energy Optimizer (QEO)
At our growing network of Inner Greatness Centers we have a new physics based technology called the Quantum Energy Optimizer. It uses the principles of wave interference from physics to invert and cancel out the energy of whatever is blocking the body’s ability to heal itself.
Free Personal Evaluations
If your limited range of motion was caused by some traumatic experience then it is very likely that there is an emotional pain component to it. This is often the case with limited range of motion associated with conditions like Fibromyalgia. If you feel that this might be the case then send us a request for an individualized evaluation as described below.
It may feel like a physical problem but it may not be resolved by using the QEO even with several treatments. To avoid wasting time using the wrong approach your can have a free personal evaluation. Our evaluation team has training in evaluating if any of the IGO techniques or technologies are likely to produce a positive result.
You can either have a free personal evaluation at any Inner Greatness Center or you can send an email to [email protected] – include the URL of your Limited Range of Motion Assessment Results page, your name, sex, age and any other information you feel would be useful in determining the best way for us to help you. We’ll get back to you with our recommendations.
Free Non-invasive Testing Only Take a Few Moments
Your Inner Greatness Center Coach can easily test for the best approach using our special body response testing method if you come into one of our IGCs. It only takes a few moments to do that. So before we treat you we always test to see if the limited range of motion has an emotional basis or a physical basis for both. Then we can use the appropriate modalities to resolve the problem.
We can’t help with these causes of limited range of motion
If your limited range of motion is being caused by something implanted in your body such as a metal wire, pin or a stint, or if it is caused by a cyst, tumor or some other kind of unnatural physical object so that it is due to a physical pressure from the foreign object then the QEO is not likely to be of help. You may need some other mechanical intervention such as a surgery. You should see your doctor for anything of this kind.
What Does Work
For limited range of motion caused by injuries, operations, repetitive motion stress, holding some area of the body in a tense position for extended periods of time, and sometimes for unknown causes, the QEO treatment for reducing the stress that causes limited range of motion has shown to be very effective. From collecting the data from hundreds of treatments, we have see that the average number of treatments to get the full range of motion again is 2.6. About 10% of our clients have significant improvement in range of motion after the first treatment. Others can take 5 to 10 treatments or even more but this is less common. If there is improvement in range of motion at all from the first treatment then repeated treatments tend to produce increasing improvement until the range of motion is normal.
Removing the Barriers to Self-healing
It is important to know that it is not the treatment that heals you. The body is the only thing that can heal itself. What the treatment does is to remove stresses that are preventing or blocking the self-healing process. This is why people often experience increasing improvements in their range of motion over the hours following the treatment and even over a few days after their treatment.
IGC’s are not medical centers. We are not a substitute for traditional western or Chinese medical care. We do not diagnose or treat diseases. We use new technologies to help reduce energetic and emotional stress, which are often the true causes of people’s wellness problems.
For each area of your body where you experience limited range of motion select the button from 0 to 10 to indicate the level of restriction that you feel
0 = no limitation of motion
10 = very restricted motion
For questions other than the location of the restricted motion (and using 0-10 to indicate the level of restriction), use 0 for not true and 10 for very true.
[assessment name=’Limited Range of Motion’ 10_bar=”true” extended_results=true]
@ I have limited range of motion in my back
@ I have limited range of motion in my right shoulder
@ I have limited range of motion in my left shoulder
@ I have limited range of motion in both shoulders
@ I have limited range of motion in my neck
@ I have limited range of motion in my right arm
@ I have limited range of motion in my left arm
@ I have limited range of motion in my right elbow
@ I have limited range of motion in my left elbow
@ I have limited range of motion in my right wrist
@ I have limited range of motion in my left wrist
@ I have limited range of motion in my right hip
@ I have limited range of motion in my left hip
@ I have limited range of motion in my right knee
@ I have limited range of motion in my left knee
@ I have limited range of motion in my right ankle
@ I have limited range of motion in my left ankle
@ I have limited range of motion in my right foot
@ I have limited range of motion in my left foot
@ I have limited range of motion in another area not on the list
@ I’ve had this limited range of motion for 10 years or more
@ My limited range of motion is from an injury or accident
@ My limited range of motion was from a sports injury
@ My limited range of motion is from an operation
@ My limited range of motion was caused by repeated motion at work
@ My limited range of motion gradually developed over time
@ My limited range of motion was the result of a traumatic experience
@ I suspect that my limited range of motion is emotional
@ My limited range of motion is worse in the morning
@ My limited range of motion is worse in the during the day
@ My limited range of motion is worse in the at night
@ The limited range of motion is more or less the same all the time
@ The limited range of motion is made worse by sitting for a long time
@ The limited range of motion is made worse by standing for a long time
@ The limited range of motion is made worse by driving
@ The limited range of motion is made worse after sleeping
@ The limited range of motion is made worse by inactivity
@ The limited range of motion is made better by gentle movement
@ The limited range of motion is made better by massage
@ The limited range of motion is made better by manipulation
@ The limited range of motion is made better by rest
@ The limited range of motion is made better by sitting
@ The limited range of motion is made better by standing
@ The limited range of motion is made better by walking
@ Nothing makes the limited range of motion significantly less
@ I tried acupuncture for the limited range of motion and it helped for a short time but then came back
@ I tried physical therapy for the limited range of motion and it helped for a short time but then came back
@ I tried chiropractic adjustments for the limited range of motion and it helped for a short time but then came back
@ I tried nutritional supplements for the limited range of motion and it helped for a short time but then came back
@ I haven’t found anything yet that has helped the limited range of motion long term
@ I’m frustrated that I can’t find something that resolves the limited range of motion permanently
@ I’ve become resigned that I’ll just have to live with this limited range of motion