Many kids have some level of difficulty with focus and attention. When they read something they often get distracted and miss getting the meaning of what they are reading. Then they have to go back and really try hard to focus and get through the paragraph without being distracted. Sometimes they have to read the same thing over more than once! And some kids have a really hard time with being hyperactive. They just can’t sit still and stay focused on what the teacher is saying or what they are supposed to be studying.
Inner Greatness Centers have a new unique solution to these problems. In just one treatment focusing becomes effortless and all of the having to re-read things to get the meaning and being fidgety goes away… permanently. Reading becomes much faster and much easier and they can easily remember what they read.
Look at what this does for improving academic performance.
This pilot study was done double-blind and half of the kids were given a placebo treatment. Here’s a comparison of ADHD symptom severity levels as assessed by this kid’s mom after the placebo treatment and then after receiving the actual treatment.
After placebo treatment
After actual treatment
As you can see, there was very little change following the placebo treatment. But there was huge change following the actual treatment. This indicates that it is really the effect of the treatment not just thinking you are getting it that makes the difference. It’s clearly not a placebo effect.
There are 2 ways to receive this treatment, either in person or via remedy drops that are custom prepared for the recipient. The Inner Greatness Energy Drops are made by imprinting the treatment energy patterns into small bottles of remedy drops. The bottles look like this.
There are 2 kinds of drops. 1 kind are oil drops that are put on the skin. The other kind are drops in a special kind of mineral water that preserves the energy pattern that is printed into it and they are taken under the tongue. Both kinds are taken for 4 days. This produces the same kinds of results as taking the session in person with the QEO. So if now Inner Greatness Center is near you, you can get this treatment via the custom made drops that are then mailed to you.
To understand more about this process read more here – Solving Focus Problems
Here are some testimonials from people who have done this treatment either in person or via the drops. – Peace of Mind Testimonials.
To get this treatment at our local Inner Greatness Center see our Locations.
Order the custom remedy drops for your child now – Effortless Powerful Focus