– Grief Relief Masterclass –

The Grief Relief Masterclass teaches a new way of resolving grief completely within a few days or less instead of it taking months or years.

Here’s a short typical testimonial from someone we helped resolve her grief using the Grief Relief Techniques.

This next video is an introduction to the Grief Relief Masterclass. It explains how the new, unique techniques of this program resolve the pain of loss in grief faster, more completely, and more permanently than any previous method.


The Grief Relief Masterclass is a group coaching program. The class meets once a week, and as one person gets coached, everyone else can follow along. You get to quickly recover from the pain of the loss of your loved one but also any other stresses or traumas you may have also acquired. during your grieving process.

It doesn’t matter how long ago your grieving process started. The results are typically immediate once you start the masterclass. Your registration will allow you to take the class until your grief is completely gone. And this typically happens much sooner than you thought was possible. 

The standard price of the Grief Relief MasterClass is $797. We are offering a large discount for our new product launch of $400 off of the normal price, making it possible to register, take the course, and get rid of your pain of loss … quickly and permanently, for only $397. register using the link below. 

Register for the Grief Relief Masterclass



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