Extraordinary Performance and Extraordinary Leadership

How to Become an Extraordinary Leader

In order to be an Extraordinary Leader you also have to be an Extraordinary Performer. Performing in an extraordinary manner is an essential part of being a living example for those you lead. Therefore the Extraordinary Performance Program is a pre-requisite to taking the Extraordinary Leadership Program.

These two programs work together to upgrade all of the qualities of being a top performer and an exceptional leader. They both use a unique and highly effective unprecedented method to upgrade who you are.  This is something quite new that has not been available in the past. This combination is the fastest and best way to improve your performance and leadership abilities so that you can make the optimal contribution to your organization and to the world. If you have ever wished that you could be a amongst the best leaders in the world, now there is an innovative way to make that happen… quickly. The Extraordinary Performance and Extraordinary Leadership Programs use a new technology of personnel development called Inner Greatness Optimizing. Now you can become one of the best leaders in the world. And if you are already a good leader you can become a superstar.

The Decision Influences Assessment

In this program we use three different assessments. You will get all three of them at the beginning of the program. The first is called a Decision Influences Assessment (DIA). What most people don’t realize is that your decisions are influenced by 4 different kinds of thoughts. They are:

  1. Practical thoughts
  2.  Intuitive/creative thoughts
  3.  Ego based thoughts
  4.  Emotional pain based thoughts

The Practical Thoughts and Intuitive Thoughts are useful to you. Decisions based on those kinds of thoughts typically lead to actions that have successful outcomes.

Ego Based Thoughts and Emotional Pain Based Thoughts are not-useful and typically lead to poor decisions and costly mistakes.

Most people make many decisions based on Ego Based and Emotional Pain Based Thoughts without even realizing that they are doing that. This is because you have been having all four kinds of thoughts your whole life so they all seem like they are just a normal part of the process of thinking and decision making. When you have made mistakes, it was certainly due to your decision being influenced by ego based or emotional pain based thoughts or both.

Your personal DIA will give us a base line for how your decisions are being influenced at the beginning of the program. An important component of the Extraordinary Performance and Extraordinary Leadership Programs is a process of helping you to become aware of which kinds of thoughts you are having and how they are influencing your decisions. This process is called the Freedom Practice.

Doing the Freedom Practice has a rapid and profound effect on reducing the extent to which your ego and emotional pain based thoughts have been undermining your decisions and therefore your life. The increase of the influence of your practical and intuitive thoughts naturally rises as you progress each day with learning how to eliminate the self-sabotaging influences at the basis of your ego and emotional pain based thoughts. 

You initial DIA allows us to see to what extent you have been negatively impacted by your ego and emotional pain based thoughts up until now. As you do the Freedom Practice each day you will increasingly become a living example of making fewer and fewer mistakes and making your decisions more and more from your intuitive and practical thoughts. To be able to see your progress as you go through the program, we will reassess your DIA periodically. However, you will rapidly notice the differences that this makes in your decisions and your life. 

Even if you were able to make the distinction between the useful and not-useful thoughts, no one has trained you in how to get rid of the real basis of the not-useful thoughts so that they stop influencing your decisions. The Freedom Practice shows you exactly how to distinguish your useful thoughts from your not-useful thoughts AND how to access and resolved the “energy” of the not-useful thoughts so that they stop influencing your decisions. Here’s an example of a Decision Influences Assessment. The numbers are not percentages and so they don’t add up to 100. That’s because you can have multiple influences effecting your decisions. Most people are also somewhat amazed at the level to which the ego and emotional pain based thoughts are impacting your decisions.

Tom Stone, Founder of Inner Greatness Global, is the creator of these remarkable programs. He has discovered exactly what the bugs are in people’s inner human software and how to find and fix these bugs with unprecedented speed, thoroughness and permanence.

The results are truly extraordinary. Qualities and attributes that have been thought to be difficult or impossible to change have now become as easy to change as dragging files to the recycle bin. These changes are not superficial. They address and resolve deep patterns of conditioning that limit you without your even being aware that this limiting influence has been happening.

How it works

Both of these programs use a special method of testing called Intuition Testing. Just as computer software engineers use tools for finding and fixing the bugs in computer code, like that, a Certified Inner Greatness Coach (CIGC) uses new tools to find and fix the bugs in your inner human software. An orientation to these new tools and methods is provided here – The Unique Tools of Inner Greatness Optimizing.

You will receive two additional assessments at the beginning of the program. Each assessment measures the extent to which you are now living the qualities in the two indexes listed below. One is of the 21 Attributes of Extraordinary Performance and the other is of the 46 Attributes of Extraordinary Leadership. Each participant in the Extraordinary Performance Program will be tested by their CIGC to determine the current degree that the you are exhibiting optimal performance on a scale of 0 to 100 for each attribute.

The 21 Attributes of Extraordinary Performance

  1. Adaptability
  2. Authenticity
  3. Collaboration and Cooperation
  4. Communication
  5. Creativity and Innovation
  6. Decisive Action from Clarity
  7. Emotional Competence
  8. Empowerment and Self-sufficiency
  9. Ethics and Integrity
  10. Focus and Presence
  11. Initiative
  12. Masterful Enrollment
  13. Masterfully Navigates Uncertainty
  14. Open Minded
  15. Planning and Coordination
  16. Presentation Excellence
  17. Productivity
  18. Serving and Supporting
  19. Stays Balanced Under Stressful Situations
  20. Thinks Outside the Box
  21. Trusts and Acts on Intuition

This assessment will clearly indicate which attributes are in greatest need of upgrading. For example some people will need work on being upgraded for optimal communication where as someone else may need more work on the ability to be focused and present. Rarely is anyone at 100% for any of these attributes. Top performers are just better than average but not necessarily living and expressing their full potential. The assessment thus provides the basis for debugging and upgrading you to optimize your inner human software for each of the tested attributes of top performance.

At the beginning of the Extraordinary Performance Program, you will also be assessed for the 27 additional Attributes of Extraordinary Leadership,  As you will see, the patterns of conditioning that have been undermining your performance in ways that you have not been fully aware of have also been undermining your leadership abilities in the same unconscious way. As the process of finding and fixing the bugs in your inner human software that have been impacting your performance will have also been effecting some of your leadership abilities, we will reassess you for the 46 qualities of being an exceptional leader when you have completed the Extraordinary Performance Program.

The 27 Attributes of Extraordinary Leadership

1. Ability to Manage ambiguity, Conflict, Uncertainty and Inconsistency
2. Practice Rigorous Accountability
3. Adherence to the Golden Rule
4. Approachability
5. Balance Realism and Optimism
6. Clear Thinking – Simplifying Things to Maximize Understanding and Minimize Confusion
7. Committed to Making Others Better
8. Courage
9. Don’t Make Exceptions for themselves.
10. Fairness
11. Generosity
12. Have their Team’s Back
13. High Standards
14. Humility
15. Kindness
16. Lead by Example
17. Open Minded
18. Passion
19. Professional – Being Respectable Both at Work and in their Private Lives
20. Put People First
21. See the Big Picture
22. Self-awareness
23. Surround themselves With People Better than them
24. Trustworthy- Behaving in a Consistent, Highly Ethical, and Fair Manner.
25. Unselfish
26. Visionary – Providing a Sense of Direction for Others
27. Wades into Conflict

Rarely is anyone at 100% for any of these attributes although some of them may come up to 100% on the reassessment after the completion of the Extraordinary Performance Program. Like top performers, good leaders are just better than average but not necessarily living and expressing their full potential. The reassessment thus provides a new base line for debugging and upgrading your inner human software to got the rest of the distance to getting the 46 attributes of Extraordinary Leadership up to 100%.

Program Structure

This is a six month program. The first phase is the Extraordinary Performance Program in which you will  learn the basics of how to do the Pure Awareness Techniques, Intuition Testing and we will upgrade the level of your ability to fully express each of the 21 Attributes of Extraordinary Performance in your work and in your life by the process described above. There will be 3 live seminars over three weekends approximately 30 days apart.

2.5 days for the 1st Seminar (about 20 hours) (starts on day 1)
2  days for the 2nd Seminar (about 16 hours) (starts approximately on day 30)
2  days for the 3rd Seminar (about 16 hours) (starts approximately on day 60)
You will learn and do the Freedom Practice daily for the two months of this training.
You will make a short Freedom Practice Report each day for the duration of the program.
You will receive daily mentoring based on your Freedom Practice Reports by a Certified Freedom Practice Mentor.
Following the third seminar you will continue with the Freedom Practice for an additional 2 months.
You will also continue with making your Freedom Practice Reports each day during the two months between phase one and phase 2 of the training.
You will continue to receive daily mentoring based on your Freedom Practice Reports by a Certified Freedom Practice Mentor during this two month period.
Phase two – Extraordinary Leadership will begin at approximately day 120. There will be also be 3 live seminars over three weekends each one month apart as with the Extraordinary Performance Program.
2.5 days for the 1st Seminar (about 20 hours) (starts on day 120)
2  days for the 2nd Seminar (about 16 hours) (starts approximately on day 150)
2  days for the 3rd Seminar (about 16 hours) (starts approximately on day 180)
You will continue to do the Freedom Practice daily for the remaining two months of the training.
You will also continue with making your Freedom Practice Reports each day for the duration of the program.
You will continue to receive daily mentoring based on your Freedom Practice Reports by a Certified Freedom Practice Mentor.

How You Become Extraordinary

Once you have learned the four basic Pure Awareness Techniques, you will be guided in how to use the techniques to identify and resolve the traumas, fears, habits and conditioning from the 12 Causes of Human Problems. These are the invisible, unconscious barriers that are causing your ability to express each attribute of Extraordinary Performance at 100% of your potential to be a living example of the optimal value of that attribute.

In the first seminar you will learn the Pure Awareness Technique and also the Intuition Testing Technique. Then you will be guided through the elimination of the all of the barriers that are causing the first 4 attributes to be at less than 100%. You will have all of the skills to begin the Freedom Practice immediately following the first seminar.

Second Seminar
Getting the next 9 attributes up to 100%

Third Seminar
Getting the next 8 attributes up to 100%
Removing any additional barriers to Extraordinary Performance

You will continue to do the Freedom Practice during the approximately 2 months between seminar 3 and the beginning of Seminar 1 of the Extraordinary Leadership Program. This will give you time to begin to  integrate all of the powerful changes that you have made in phase 1 into your work and your life.

In the three seminars of phase 2 – Extraordinary Leadership, as you will have already learned the basic Pure Awareness Techniques and Intuition testing, we will:

Review of the Pure Awareness Techniques
● IN
Solving any Intuition Testing problems
Getting the first 8 attributes up to 100%

Second Seminar
Getting the next 9 attributes up to 100%

Third Seminar
Getting the next 9 attributes up to 100%
Removing any additional barriers to Extraordinary Leadership

Additional Information

Click the links below for more details on the following topics:

Extraordinary Performance Program Recent Testimonials

How We Measure Improvement


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