Cora Whittington
Certified Inner Greatness Coach Peterborough, Ontario Canada
Cora is an executive and life coach. She is also a facilitator, organizational development specialist and business mentor. She has studied with Tom Stone since 2003 and uses his techniques and the core dynamics of common problems as the basis of her coaching. Cora has a degree in Family Studies (B.A.Sc.) and numerous certifications in organizational development and facilitation. Cora particularly likes to work with what she calls the “Linchpin”. A key person of influence, because when this person makes an energetic shift there is space for everyone else to shift as well. She has worked with government, not-for-profit, business, agriculture leadership, education and those on a personal journey to become all that they are. Cora specializes in helping clients return to calm where their natural intuition can return. She helps people with resentments, disappointments, loss, heartbreak and those seeking clarity. She believes in synchronicity, intention and attracting the perfect coach/client relationship and looks forward to many more magical connections.
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