Anxiety Assessment Result

Assessment score [score][/score]



[hint_block range=”0-30″]

If your score was between 0 and 30 you can improve it and decrease your anxiety significantly by utilizing the following resources from Inner Greatness Global. After using each of the resources that you select, take the assessment again to see your improvement. Your personal results page will show you your previous score(s) and your new score so that you can see your progress.

Available now

  • Free app – If you don’t yet have the Awaken Your Inner Greatness app you can download it and use it to remove your barriers to accessing and living your full potential. This is one of the most powerful things you can do to improve your success. This free app is available for both Apple or Android platforms –

Coming Soon

  • Vaporize Your Anxiety Course – Live
  • Vaporize Your Anxiety Course – On line

[hint_block range=”30-60″]

If your score was between 30 and 60 you can improve it and decrease your anxiety significantly by utilizing the following resources from Inner Greatness Global. After using each of the resources that you select, take the assessment again to see your improvement. Your personal results page will show you your previous score(s) and your new score so that you can see your progress.

Available now

  • Free app – If you don’t yet have the Awaken Your Inner Greatness app you can download it and use it to remove your barriers to accessing and living your full potential. This is one of the most powerful things you can do to improve your success. This free app is available for both Apple or Android platforms –


Coming Soon

  • Vaporize Your Anxiety Course – Live
  • Vaporize Your Anxiety Course – On line

[hint_block range=”60-100″]

If your score was between 60 and 100 you can improve it and decrease your anxiety significantly by utilizing the following resources from Inner Greatness Global. After using each of the resources that you select, take the assessment again to see your improvement. Your personal results page will show you your previous score(s) and your new score so that you can see your progress.

Available now

  • Free app – If you don’t yet have the Awaken Your Inner Greatness app you can download it and use it to remove your barriers to accessing and living your full potential. This is one of the most powerful things you can do to improve your success. This free app is available for both Apple or Android platforms –


Coming Soon

  • Vaporize Your Anxiety Course – Live
  • Vaporize Your Anxiety Course – On line


If you are not sure which of the IGO resources would be the most useful to you or if you have questions about this assessment you can send us an email that will automatically include the URL of your assessment result and other information about you. We will get back to you as soon as possible with our recommendations or answers to your questions. Fill out the form below and click SEND.

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