Allergy Stress Reduction Energy Drops Ordering Options

At this stage we are only providing Allergy Stress Reduction Energy Drops for Wheat and Milk allergies.

However, the Energy drops are a little different for Adults than for Children. So there are four products and we want to make sure that you get the right one.

When you receive your Energy Drops there will be 2 bottles of drops. They are clearly marked as Internal or External on the label.

  1. Special Mineral Water Energy Drops that are for internal use – taken by putting 3 drops under your tongue.
  2. Special Oil Energy Drops that are taken only externally by placing a couple of drops of the oils where you typically get symptoms such as on your nose, around your eyes (careful not to get the oil in your eyes) on your throat, lungs and abdomen. Important – Don’t take them internally!

Your Allergy Stress Reduction Energy Drops will come with clear instructions for their use. They are typically taken once per day for 9 days.

Click on the appropriate link below for the order page for the product of your choice.

To Reduce Wheat Allergy Stress


To Reduce Milk Allergy Stress

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