While I’m sending you this e-mail, I’m hanging out in the middle of India in the middle of the monsoon season. It’s raining like crazy most of the days and it’s beautiful.
I came here because about a year ago, my friend Ritesh, who is a Vedic Astrologer, asked me if I wanted to live with him and his wife for some time in Bhopal, India. It sounded like a nice idea but it took some time to organize this move.
Prior to coming to India, I lived in a hotel in Olypmia, Washington for a few years. The great thing about living in a hotel is that you never have to cook for yourself. A slight disadvantage was that often the cleaning lady would knock on my door when I was in the middle of a coaching session.
The reason I was living in a hotel was because I didn’t have a house in the US. That was because I have spent the biggest part of the 2010s in China.
I started a branch of my coaching company there and met a lot of interesting people. It was a great experience, but at a certain moment in 2019 my intuition told me that it would be good for me to leave China and go back to the States.
Soon afterwards, the covid crisis broke out. Fortunately, I was already in the US by then. Thanks to my intuition, I had been spared getting stuck in a Chinese lock-down for months. (Good story to remember if you’re ever in doubt whether you should listen to your intuition or not.)
I’ve had clients from the US to Hawaii to England to the Netherlands to China to India to a lot of other places. I’ve given seminars all over the world and I’ve had girlfriends from all over the place.
I’ve had a lot of fun.
But I haven’t always been such a jolly jetsetter.
For many years, I lived in Fairfield, Iowa. Although this tiny town has been described as the “national magnet” and “the world’s largest training center” for Transcendental Meditation, the landscape was far less mythical than you might expect from such a spiritual place.
Fairfield lies in the middle of the American Midwest. There, Pure Awareness manifests as nothing but endless farmlands, full of corn, soybeans, tractors, cows and hogs.
Later on, I was living in San Diego. That’s where I became a coach.
Across the waiting room area of the office I had in San Diego there was this absolutely beautiful woman who had a coaching practice there. We got acquainted and she told me about a seminar that Thomas Leonard was giving in the area soon.
Thomas Leonard is universally considered as one of the founding fathers of the personal coaching industry. He founded the International Coach Federation and CoachVille, the largest network of coaches worldwide.
Thomas’ online magazines had two million subscribers, and when he died, the New York Times wrote an obituary about how he had trained thousands of coaches all over the world.
So, this seminar sounded interesting, but as time passed I forgot about it. Then, at the last minute, I decided to go anyway.
So, I went to the seminar along with about 250 other people, most of them coaches. In the morning, Thomas used the word ‘resonance’ a lot. That’s when I realized that we needed to get acquainted.
After Thomas’ morning talk, I went up to him and told him that I had discovered a new technology that deals with the barriers to living from a place of resonance and I’d like to show it to you. I was talking about the IN technique, of course.
Apparently, he never says yes to these kinds of proposals. But something intrigued him about me so he said to me, ‘Okay, how about after the course ends tomorrow?’
So, after the seminar, I showed him my my work that at that time I was calling it Human Software Engineering.
He was blown away by my approach, especially by the muscle testing technique. He told me he didn’t have to catch his flight until the next day, so he asked me to come in the following morning and show him more of what I was doing.
The next morning, I spent two hours with him and he loved it. I told him I didn’t consider myself tobe a coach. ‘
He replied: ‘Oh yes Tom, you are a coach’. He told me that most coaches that he trained made about 20 coaching mistakes in a half-hour session, and that I had only made 2 mistakes during the two hours we spent together.
Thomas hadn’t had his own personal coach in 10 years. He was looking for somebody who was ten steps ahead of him, and within a week he asked me if I would be his coach. So, the coach who was training all the other coaches had now hired ME to be his coach.
We would do weekly phone sessions, and once a month he would fly to San Diego so we could have a session in person. The in person session allowed me to help Thomas with the QEO, the machine that I use for energetic healing.
Thomas was delighted with my help and had some major breakthroughs,
He even wrote a very nice testimonial in which he recommended me to over 1,000 coaches on what he called his R&D team. He told them: “Tom Stone is nothing short of a genius. He is an expert in the area of dynamics, and he has the cleanest energy of ANYONE I’ve ever met, bar none.”
Thomas and I had a great working relationship, and I am grateful for having met him.
Unfortunately, Thomas died a few months after we got to know each other.
I was a speaker at his funeral because I was his coach. I also was a speaker at the CoachVille conference later that year, because Thomas had asked me to give a keynote speech there.
As a result of that keynote speech, I sold a whole lot of QEO machines. Moreover, a lot of coaches wanted to learn more from me and signed up for my courses.
So that’s how I became a coach myself.
Ever since, I have been able to help thousands of people all over the world, and this has been a tremendous adventure. I’m very grateful that I had the privilege to discover the Pure Awareness techniques that have been life-changing for both me and my students and clients.
To teach my techniques to others, I have created a bunch of online courses, and I do one-on-one sessions. One session with me will usually be more transformative for a client than a year’s worth of sessions with a regular therapist or coach.
My session fees are kind of high, but why my clients love the breakthroughs that they get and they keep coming back to me.
Just this week, I had an inspiratioin to offer some short “get acquainted” sessions.
I want to get to know you and lots of others in our global community. So I’m inviting you to join me on zoom for a free get acquainted zoom call.
I’ve noticed that whenever my business needs something, some how the perfect person shows up with the right talents, training and experience that’s needed. We are launching a whole bunch of new programs in the weeks ahead and my intuition guided me to do these get acquainted zoom calls as I have a sense that they will be filled with gold.
It is important to note that this offer will probably be very popular. That means I can’t do all the calls with within a week. I will have to schedule the calls over a number of weeks. I also need to go back to the US for a couple of weeks so it might take you a bit of waiting before we can get the right timing for your private call. You can pick a time using the scheduling system below.
Looking forward to getting to know you better.
All the best,
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