Jane Hooker – Transform Insomnia into Peaceful Sleep

Jane has had insomnia for many years. She’s always tired. It’s a huge effort to get up enough energy to do much of anything. We did the session with the intention of finding the energy patterns that have been at the real root cause of her sleeping problem and to resolve them with the Pure Awareness Techniques. The session went well and she reported feeling much better afterwards. Of course the proof of the effectiveness will be to see what happens in the coming days and weeks ahead. We will do a follow up session in a couple of weeks to see how it’s going. Then we will post the results as well as the follow up session video here. Here’s the video of the initial session –

If you have insomnia, nightmares or any of the other problems listed below, you can also have a free demo session to see if these new extraordinary techniques can help resolve your problem too. We are seeing unprecedented positive results. So why not give it a try yourself?

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